It would be good if `todo-in-comment` rule has configurable terms. E.g. `robocop --configure todo-in-comment:todos:OMG,bug` also this work `robocop --configure "todo-in-comment:todos:remove me,fix this ugly bug"` This should enable also terms in...
### What happened? Rule to keep keyword calling outlook in line with the keyword definition: ``` *** Settings *** Library String *** Test Cases *** Calling Keywords ${CAPS} Set Variable...
It should be possible to configure `non-local-variables-should-be-uppercase` to allow lower-case variables in it. ```python *** Variables *** @{PROTOCOLS} TCP UDP *** Test Cases *** Test [Documentation] Doc. KW *** Keywords...
### What happened? Robocop reports following as `[W] 1007 Line is over-indented (uneven-indent)`, but I think it should be allowed. The issue happens only when comments are placed on the...
Test case without keyword yields FAIL in RF. This might not be desired. So users should be guided to use a keyword or set the desired result by PASS, FAIL...
It would be nice to have info that documentation contains robot variables. Sometimes, the idea is to escape the variable to document the variable name rather than its value.