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Algorithmic Decompilation
Ideally let's get the decomp to a point where someone without knowledge of assembly or a decompiler could meaningfully contribute. The fact that we know our compiler and its quirks opens up a few opportunities. In abstract, let's run a series of passes on each function checking matching after each. (This will be built on #42).
- First pass, I reckon, should be letting the compiler generate the stack frame for us. (Let's call that "shed_prologue" or something)
asm int NANDCreate(void) {
stwu r1, -0x20(r1);
mflr r0;
stw r0, 0x24(r1);
stw r31, 0x1c(r1);
mr r31, r5;
stw r30, 0x18(r1);
mr r30, r4;
stw r29, 0x14(r1);
mr r29, r3;
bl nandIsInitialized;
cmpwi r3, 0;
beq lbl_8019b490;
mr r3, r29;
mr r4, r30;
mr r5, r31;
li r6, 0;
li r7, 0;
li r8, 0;
bl nandCreate;
bl nandConvertErrorCode;
b lbl_8019b494;
li r3, -128;
lwz r0, 0x24(r1);
lwz r31, 0x1c(r1);
lwz r30, 0x18(r1);
lwz r29, 0x14(r1);
mtlr r0;
addi r1, r1, 0x20;
int NANDCreate(void) {
mr r31, r5;
mr r30, r4;
mr r29, r3;
bl nandIsInitialized;
cmpwi r3, 0;
beq lbl_8019b490;
mr r3, r29;
mr r4, r30;
mr r5, r31;
li r6, 0;
li r7, 0;
li r8, 0;
bl nandCreate;
bl nandConvertErrorCode;
b lbl_8019b494;
li r3, -128;
- Another pass might be extracting labels and having an asm clause for each basic block:
int NANDCreate(void) {
__asm {
mr r31, r5;
mr r30, r4;
mr r29, r3;
__asm {
bl nandIsInitialized;
cmpwi r3, 0;
beq lbl_8019b490;
__asm {
mr r3, r29;
mr r4, r30;
mr r5, r31;
li r6, 0;
li r7, 0;
li r8, 0;
bl nandCreate;
bl nandConvertErrorCode;
b lbl_8019b494;
__asm {
li r3, -128;
- Let's let the compiler generate volatile register saves
int NANDCreate(int in_a, int in_b, int in_c) {
__asm {
bl nandIsInitialized;
cmpwi r3, 0;
beq lbl_8019b490;
__asm {
mr r3, in_a;
mr r4, in_b;
mr r5, in_c;
li r6, 0;
li r7, 0;
li r8, 0;
bl nandCreate;
bl nandConvertErrorCode;
b lbl_8019b494;
__asm {
li r3, -128;
- Reconstruct control flow
int NANDCreate(int in_a, int in_b, int in_c) {
__asm {
bl nandIsInitialized;
cmpwi r3, 0; // We need this, might be scheduled; Comparison below will be omitted in favor of this.
if (GET_REG(r3) != 0) {
__asm {
mr r3, in_a;
mr r4, in_b;
mr r5, in_c;
li r6, 0;
li r7, 0;
li r8, 0;
bl nandCreate;
bl nandConvertErrorCode;
} else {
__asm {
li r3, -128;
This is all still in the domain of asm, and we can likely get a very high yield on these passes (near 100% match).