Gabriel Ribeiro
Gabriel Ribeiro
> What do you think about this for Reddit? > > learningOrchestra: Easily combine your various library and infrastructure needs for data science projects > > Add the link and...
@navendu-pottekkat after the monograph defense, we decide make an api refactoring, joining all requests of each microservice to one common endpoint, and also improving the semantic names in requests, then...
@navendu-pottekkat, @hiperbolt and @LaChapeliere please take a look in the sketch to new learning orchestra api, we will add an api gateway to abstract the microservices to user, then the...
@navendu-pottekkat I never thought that learningOrchestra will get this, this is so, so cool!
I will provide a domain
and thanks!
Yes, i will make this, yet in this week.
I have the same problem.