Gabriel Ribeiro
Gabriel Ribeiro
> Another noob question, because I don't have the setup to run it on my own computer: I imagine when we run `sudo ./`, it runs on a loop and...
`Bonus question: Have you tried to see what happens with terminal multiplexers that enable persistent session, like tmux?`, it apply if the execution is endless, right?
Around 10 minutes, but it rely from machine resources.
@sudiptog81 do you have knowledge to help us with this issue?
@sudiptog81 it sounds like a big challengue! If we put each microservice in a repo, how we will make the deploy of the learningOrchestra? The user will clone each repo...
You will be very help to this project, i don't know a way to use CI tests with a distributed software, without make the deploy, maybe using mock files.
Do you have a cluster environment (3 machines) to run this software and know how it works?
Maybe can run with 2 machines.
@all-contributors please add @hiperbolt for code and ideas
@sudiptog81 Would you like make this issue together with @hiperbolt ?