Gabriel Ribeiro
Gabriel Ribeiro
@all-contributors plese add @gustavofariaa for code, test and doc
@all-contributors remove @gustavofariaa
> First question, probably for @riibeirogabriel > "learningOrchestra facilitates and streamlines iterative processes in a **Data Science** project pipeline " but "learningOrchestra is a distributed **Machine Learning** processing tool" >...
We link the machines with docker swarm, a requirement to run the learningOrchestra is a docker swarm cluster provided by user, with this cluster, we can run the learningOrchestra without...
The user need create a docker swarm cluster to link the machines.
We put in requeriments a link teaching how create a docker swarm cluster, it is easy! i agree with you, we need make more easy the architecture/infresctructure part from learningOrchestra,...
@LaChapeliere curl don't give a friendly use, we can use other programs with GUI like postman or insomnia to use the REST APIs, the calls to each API is showed...
hahaha, the python package was created to abstract the calls to user, the user only need call the methods from each microservices Class and it is done!
If this node has around 12 gb of RAM, a quad-core processor and 100 gb of disk, it can work with small datasets, but to treat with big data, a...
> Yeah, I guessed resources would be the problem, though I didn't imagine it to require that much. I just wanted to check that learningOrchestra wouldn't crash on a single...