Gabriel Ribeiro
Gabriel Ribeiro
E.g the htmls files with underscore is indexed by pydoc, but returns 404 error when accessed. 
learningOrchestra has minimum requirements for a VM, then the user need instantiate a VM with this requirements, did you think in this way?
"learningOrchestra has minimum requirements for a VM" -> You are rigth, we put this minimum requirements based on titanic dataset, we need review this requirements and create an orientation to...
I will create issues to each problem listed by you, maybe github users can collaborate.
@all-contributors please remove @otaviomapa
@all-contributors please add @joubertlima for ideas, mentoring, projectManagement
@all-contributors please add @lauromoraes for ideas, mentoring, projectManagement
@all-contributors please add @LaChapeliere for doc
@all-contributors please add @Matheus-Gr and @otaviomapa for code, test and doc
@all-contributors please add @otaviomapa for code, test and doc