
Results 42 comments of Rigo

The pycurses UI framework as used by sandsifter has some issues for the summarize tool. The sifter aspect is working fine though, but it uses some dirty workarounds, I will...

I'm very busy due to work obligations as of recent. But now that I'm stuck home more often I'll try and get this fixed up in due course.

Thanks for the submission. Sorry for late response. Recently I don't check here as often as I should. Will validate and if good merge these in the morning.

Thanks for the submission. I've noticed something strange in the logs, they seem to end far before the usual runs. `660f8fff000000` in both files as opposed to `f3dfc7`. This means...

For the time being I have pushed this to the [`evaluation_data`](https://github.com/rigred/sandsifter-tests/tree/evaluation_data) branch.

I previously did include a correction value for the temp2 (CPU temp as reported by BIOS) * temp2 - this may be connected differently on your board, usually temp7 is...

Please give me a dump of `sensors -u` for your mainboard plus if possible bios screenshots of all sensor values. If you have windows you can also post a log...

Thanks, I'll see what I can do. Also note that your UEFI is only reporting 3 temperatures. lm_sensors is able to find even more than that, but in a lot...

It may well be incorrect, Perhaps I'm just misunderstanding where the confusion comes in. ``` if (result.length!=inj.last_len && inj.index in injector.c: (L995:) > if (result.length!=inj.last_len && inj.index inj.index++; } inj.last_len=result.length;...

Please send me the output dump of that run if you can?