Igor Randjelovic

Results 423 comments of Igor Randjelovic

@vicmasa seems to be related to the GoogleMaps pod based on your logs: ``` ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file '/Users/victor/invian/ns/plugins/platforms/ios/Pods/GoogleMaps/Maps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/GoogleMaps' for...

@vicmasa downgrading won't help most likely, it's a plugin issue, more specifically a GoogleMaps cocoapod issue - I can't look into the details for it right now, but it might...

This is a tricky one, because `` will keep the frames alive, but frame navigation and the component that is navigated to does not live under the element (this is...

@lsapan Yes the deactivated/activated hooks don't fire because they pages are not actually child elements. Unfortunately it's not so simple to make them actual childs, as it causes side effects...

It's been a while since this has been opened, and I'm assuming it has been resolved, but keys shouldn't be used inside `ListView`s, since it will force Vue to re-create...

The reproduction link does not show the issue you are describing, in fact it doesn't show anything when I run it. The HelloWorld component does not have a `template` nor...

Props are one way, from parent to child. Changing it to `v-model="selectedIndex"` should work. What `v-model` does is roughly something like `:selectedIndex="selectedIndex" @selectedIndexChange="selectedIndex = $event.value"` Although I just created a...

That seems like an issue with the static binding generator in the NativeScript android build tools. Please provide the version of your NativeScript CLI (`tns --version`) as well as the...