Igor Randjelovic

Results 423 comments of Igor Randjelovic

`{}` is likely the native instance - you can try `console.dir` to enumerate it's properties, but native objects print as `{}`.

Good example why we should re-think hooks, partially related to this discussion: https://github.com/NativeScript/nativescript-cli/issues/5576

I don't think we can use variables in shadow definitions right now - will need to test, and see if we can implement it in core. The default tailwind shadows...

@lekhmanrus right, but I don't think it would work with this PR either - need to test a bit more... You can try as well - pack `@nativescript/tailwind` locally and...

@NathanaelA @farfromrefug the common approach to this is using something like webpack-chain (https://github.com/neutrinojs/webpack-chain). For example Vue cli >3.x has adopted it, so plugins are free to add/modify/remove anything from the...

Share your code - I cannot help without it. If the source is private, you can share it privately too, just invite me to the repo.

The path is updated when the Frame updates it's current page - which happens to be right when the transition finishes, which is after the `mounted` hook - so that...

Make sure the two pages are in different files and not referencing the same import - there are some edge cases with module loading that can cause circular dependencies.

That's correct - you shouldn't need to use `$navigateTo` with the navigator, the call should be ```js this.$navigator.navigate('/path/of/the/details/route', { props: { ... } }).catch(error => console.log(error)) ```

> However, it does appear that Apple has changed some of the store guidelines about dynamic download/update content, going in this direction. So maybe in the future, or maybe because...