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POC about usage of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in a secure way.


It's the code repository of the OWASP cheatsheet JSON Web Token (JWT) Cheat Sheet for Java.

A web page propose the creation, validation and revocation of the token, see the image below:

Get a token:


Token stored in browser session storage:


Associated user fingerprint hardened cookie issued to tackle token sidejacking:


Verification of the token:


Revocation of the token (logout):


Verification of the token indicating that the token has been revoked and is not valid anymore:


All classes are fully documented.

The project was developed with JAX-RS + Maven under IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.

Build status

Build Status

Build or Run

You can also use the Run Application running configuration from Intellij project.

Run the following command to create a WAR archive:

mvn clean package

Run the following command to run the prototype (application will be available on https://localhost:8443):

mvn tomcat7:run-war