Rijnder Wever

Results 122 comments of Rijnder Wever

Cool, that works kinda nicely, indeed! Not sure if there's a way to improve this, but if this workaround happens to make it into qutebrowser, note that some pages are...

Oddly, the website above (but not all websites per se) loads correctly a first try if I add the following to the header: ``` // ==UserScript== ... // @run-at document-end...

No, that requires some work on chromium first, see point 21 of the FAQ: https://qutebrowser.org/doc/faq.html

> No need to downgrade qutebrowser, you can launch with --qt-wrapper PyQt5 or set QUTE_QT_WRAPPER=PyQt5 in your environment I actually can't reproduce running `/usr/bin/qutebrowser -T -s colors.webpage.darkmode.enabled True` on qtwebengine...

~~Can't reproduce with a clean server either, I'll try and see what the problem is.~~ Oddly enough running ```shell emacs-26.1 --daemon -q ``` does now trigger the undesired behavior described...

Disregard my previous comment, running `emacs-26.1 --daemon -q ` and then manually loading sudo-edit.el seems to work now. Nevertheless, commenting my whole init.el still displays the problematic behavior outlined above...

I also still experience this. If I find the time, I'll try nflaths suggestion and see if something in my global .emacs folder is causing the problem, as I already...

Still the same, not a huge fan of the messages, bc I'm always worried they indicate something is wrong (they don't). Are they the result of `adbfs` first calling `adb...

Btw, I failed to do this like a year or two ago when I first started using Arch, but thanks to this thread it was dead simple. Putting stuff in...

Thanks @shimarulin! I have been happily using your service file for a bit now. However, when using your service file, sxhkd is basically the "parent" of every process it ever...