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Create Data Importers for Django models.


Importers for Django models.

Provides basic functionality to import data into Django models, allowing easy creation of custom importers. Highly extensible and customizable.

Data formats are commonly denormalized. The project doesn't aims to be the "all-in-one" / "every-format" importer, but to provide a clean an flexible interface to write custom importers.


  • currently supported formats: XML
  • easy to support new formats (CSV, Yaml, JSON, etc.)
  • maps source values to model fields
  • detects new / changed items
  • many hooks to customize the importer behaviour


Actions speaks louder than words, so let's go ahead with a practical example.

Let's say you have a news application in your project and want to import data from a XML file:

        <title>django-importer released</title>
        <content>Today, dango-importer has been released...</content>

The model definition:

class Entry(models.Model):
    # External source ID, to keep track of already imported items
    external_id = models.IntegerField()
    # News entry properties
    headline = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    creation_date = models.DateTimeField()
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField()
    story = models.TextField()

Now the magic begins, let's write the importer. We must populate each field of our news entry model, convert the creation date from string to a Python date and schedule the publication date to the next hour.

from django_importer.importers.xml import XmlImporter
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from news.models import Entry

class MyXmlImporter(XmlImporter):
    # Specify the model this Importer works against
    model = Entry
    # XmlImporter specific  property: the nodename that identifies an XML item
    item_tag_name = 'item'
    # A list of model field names expected to be imported from the source
    fields = ('external_id', 'headline', 'creation_date', 'story')
    # A dictionary mapping model field names to data source identifiers
    # In this case mappings points to XML nodes
    field_map = {'external_id': 'id',
                 'creation_date': 'date',
                 'headline': 'title',
                 'story': 'content',
    # List of fields that identifies an item as unique
    unique_fields = ('external_id',)

    def parse_creation_date(self, item, field_name, source_name):
        # Get the value `source_name` from the XML `item` for the field `field_name`
        # In other words: read the `date` node content to populate the field `creation_date` of our model.
        val = self.get_value(item, source_name)
        # Convert to a python date
        return datetime(*val.split('-'))

    def save_item(self, item, data, instance, commit=True):
        # If the item is new, setup a publication date
        if not
            instance.pub_date = + timedelta(hours=1)
        if commit:
        return instance

And that's it. Now we can instantiate our importer and start parsing.

from news.importers import MyXmlImporter

importer = MyXmlImporter('path/to/source.xml')