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A web interface for Sealed Secrets by Bitnami.

Attention: @bakito maintains an improved version of Sealed Secrets Web in the following repository: bakito/sealed-secrets-web.

The new Docker image can be found at or The new Helm chart is available at

A big thank you to @bakito for taking over the ownership of this project.

A web interface for Sealed Secrets by Bitnami.

Sealed Secrets Web is a web interface for Sealed Secrets by Bitnami. The web interface let you encode, decode the keys in the data field of a secret, load existing Sealed Secrets and create Sealed Secrets. Under the hood it uses the kubeseal command-line tool to encrypt your secrets. The web interface should be installed to your Kubernetes cluster, so your developers do not need access to your cluster via kubectl.

  • Encode: Base64 encodes each key in the data field in a secret.
  • Decode: Base64 decodes each key in the data field in a secret.
  • Secrets: Returns a list of all Sealed Secrets in all namespaces. With a click on the Sealed Secret the decrypted Kubernetes secret is loaded.
  • Seal: Encrypt a Kubernetes secret and creates the Sealed Secret.


sealed-secrets-web can be installed via our Helm chart:

helm repo add ricoberger
helm up

helm upgrade --install sealed-secrets-web ricoberger/sealed-secrets-web

To modify the settings for Sealed Secrets you can modify the arguments for the Docker image with the --set flag. For example you can set a different controller-name during the installation with the following command:

helm upgrade --install sealed-secrets-web ricoberger/sealed-secrets-web --set image.args={"--kubeseal-arguments=--controller-name=sealed-secrets"}


For development we are using a local Kubernetes cluster using kind. When the cluster is created we install Sealed Secrets using Helm:


helm repo add sealed-secrets
helm install sealed-secrets sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets --namespace kube-system

# Test the installation:
echo -n bar | kubectl create secret generic mysecret --dry-run=client --from-file=foo=/dev/stdin -o json >mysecret.json
kubeseal <mysecret.json >mysealedsecret.json --controller-name sealed-secrets
kubectl create -f mysealedsecret.json
kubectl get secret mysecret

Then we can build the Docker image and push it to the local registry:

make build-linux-amd64
docker build -f cmd/sealedsecretsweb/Dockerfile -t localhost:5000/sealed-secrets-web:dev .
docker push localhost:5000/sealed-secrets-web:dev

Finally we can install Sealed Secrets Web using the provided Helm chart:

kubectl create namespace sealed-secrets-web

helm upgrade --install sealed-secrets-web ricoberger/sealed-secrets-web --namespace sealed-secrets-web --set image.args={"--kubeseal-arguments=--controller-name=sealed-secrets"} --set image.repository=localhost:5000/sealed-secrets-web --set image.tag=dev --set image.pullPolicy=Always

# Access the Web UI:
kubectl port-forward svc/sealed-secrets-web 8080:80