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Alertmanager for macOS.

Alertmanager for macOS


The Alertmanager for macOS is a small macOS application which shows alerts from Prometheus Alertmanagers. You can setup multiple Alertmanager instances to retrive alerts from. The alerts are grouped by the specified settings in you Alertmanager configuration.


Download the latest release of the Alertmanager for macOS from the releases page. Unpack the downloaded ZIP file and start the app.

During the first start a file called .alertmanager.json will be created in you home directory. Right click on the symbol of the Alertmanager for macOS in the status bar and choose Open Configuration. This will open the configuration file in your default editor. After you have adjusted the configuration right click on the symbol again and choose Reload Configuration.

An example configuration can be found in the following code block. For all available options take a look at the configuration section.

  "refreshInterval": 60,
  "severityLabel": "severity",
  "severityInfo": "info",
  "severityWarning": "warning",
  "severityError": "error",
  "severityCritical": "critical",
  "titleTemplate": "[{{ name | uppercase }}] [{{ labels['cluster'] | uppercase }}] {{ labels['alertname'] }}",
  "alertTemplate": "{{ annotations['message'] }}",

  "alertmanagers": [
      "name": "PROD",
      "url": "http://localhost:9093"


You can configure the following values for the Alertmanager app:


Value Description Default
refreshInterval The interval in which the alerts are retrieved. 60
severityLabel The name of the label for the severity of an alert.
severityInfo Value of the severity label for an info alert. info
severityWarning Value of the severity label for an warning alert. warning
severityError Value of the severity label for an error alert. error
severityCritical Value of the severity label for an critical alert. critical
titleTemplate Template for the title. The template can use the name of the Alertmanager and the group labels. (see Templates) [{{ name }}] {% for key, value in labels %} {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% endfor %}
alertTemplate Template for a single alert. The template can use the annotations and labels of the alert. (see Templates) {% for key, value in annotations %} {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% endfor %}
themeBg Background color. #2E3440
themeBgLight Light background color. #3B4252
themeFg Foreground color. #ECEFF4
themeInfo Info color. #5E81AC
themeWarning Warning color. #EBCB8B
themeError Error color. #D08770
themeCritical Critical color. #BF616A
alertmanagers List of Alertmanagers (see Alertmanager). Required


Value Description Default
name Name of the Alertmanager. Required
url URL of the Alertmanager. Required
silenced Show silenced alerts. Must be true or false as string. false
inhibited Show inhibited alerts. Must be true or false as string. false
authType Authentication method which should be used to retrieve alerts. Possible values are basic and token. If not authentication is required omit this field.
authUsername If basic auth is used this is the username which should be used.
authPassword If basic auth is used this is the password which should be used.
authToken If token auth is used this is the token which should be used.


We are using the Stencil template language to render the alerts. You can use all built in tags and filters for your templates.


The titleTemplate is used to render the alert group title. The following variables are available in titleTemplate:

  • name: Name of the Alertmanager from the configuration file.
  • url: URL of the Alertmanager from the configuration file.
  • labels: Labels which indicates the alert group. This is configured in your Alertmanager with the group_by option.
  "titleTemplate": "<a href='{{ url }}'>[{{ name | uppercase }}] {{ labels['alertname'] }}</a>"


The alertTemplate is used to render a single alert in the list of alerts. The following variables are available in alertTemplate:

  • annotations: Configured annotations for the alert.
  • labels: Labels of the alert.
  • generatorURL: Identifies the entity that caused the alert.
  "alertTemplate": "<a href='{{ generatorURL }}'>{{ annotations['message'] }}</a>"