R Brown
R Brown
@calebegg it's based on this: http://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#document-conformance-requirements-for-use-of-aria-attributes-in-html There you will see that for `noscript`, in the column "ARIA roles, states and properties which may be used" > "No role or aria\*...
@alice Hi there! Funny stuff, my current branch on accessibility-developer-tools is called "hidden_na" - the idea was to ignore hidden elements for the purpose of the audit. I ended up...
@alice The issues I would have missed were things we had done wrong in web systems where I work. The nature of these issues generally was not affected by the...
@alice I like it... buuuut I do think it needs unit tests because of the complexity of "hidden". There are so many ways to "hide": - aria-hidden - display:none -...
This is currently failing CI due to #301
fixes #289 @alice PTAL
😄 Thanks @piuccio. I agree there is a lot to think about there and it is perfectly legit to diverge. FYI I found another divergence just today - the original...
From what I can see this PR needs to be merged first: https://github.com/Rob--W/proxy-from-env/pull/19 Then, Cypress needs to pick up the new version of that dep and it will hopefully automagically...
This PR would help with this issue: https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/19586
oh sorry i only just noticed this issue, i'll check it out, thanks for letting me know