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Grid studio is a web-based application for data science with full integration of open source data science frameworks and languages.

Results 43 gridstudio issues
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if the cell is "B1D1E2", orginal is "BDE", it is not the idea case? should be "B"?

on windows it will complain ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.util'

With no commit for several months, is this project still under development?

Please support the wss:// while the connection is based on HTTPS. ^_^ ![frontcode](

在linux中安装成功后,执行cd gridstudio && ./run.sh报错:ERROR: command not found, please install docker first.

Is there such functionality as in excel? I need to set some cell format, such as font, background image, cells merging, etc.?

I get this error `docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase.` after starting up a docker container (which starts up as expected) and running `./` in the `Git-Bash`...

How to use gridstudio in windows?

as title ![image](

I'd like to use this on my website if that is ok. Do you have a version without the login? Or can anyone tell me how to remove the login...