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Fixing highlight colours for neovim

Open PanagiotisS opened this issue 8 years ago • 5 comments

Dear Rick,

I am not sure if you are accepting pull requests for your plugin since I could not find any info on your plugin page.

I am using neovim with truecolors support so I had to do the following fix. if has('nvim') and termguicolor then use guicolors

Feel free of course to ignore it/alter it/do whatever you want.

Best wishes Panagiotis

PanagiotisS avatar Nov 16 '16 20:11 PanagiotisS


Thank you for using this plugin and proposing the fix. I have not used neovim but now tried to install and find the problem. I would like to fix as follows in the next update.

let hm = has('gui_running') || (has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors) ? 'gui' : &t_Co > 1 ? 'cterm' : 'term'


rickhowe avatar Nov 17 '16 10:11 rickhowe


Thank you for this plugin! It is very usefull.

Indeed checking for termguicolors looks like a better check.

By the way, Older versions of neovim use $NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR instead of termguicolor. Version v0.1.5. So it will still be incombatible with these versions.

So probably even a better approach would be to define both term and gui colours, and let vim/neovim/whatevervim to use which they need.

As an example, we can have a look at neomake functions. The second to last function of neomake/autoload/sings.vim, function! neomake#signs#DefineHighlights() abort, assigns values to both ctermbg and guibg.

Best regards Panagiotis

PanagiotisS avatar Nov 18 '16 17:11 PanagiotisS

Hi, I agree with your idea to look at all the mode: gui, cterm and term. I changed like this. Could you please try to check if it works? Regards,

--- dc64a.vim   2016-10-22 19:25:58.113819300 +0900
+++ dc65ax.vim  2016-11-19 15:44:39.428263600 +0900
@@ -374,16 +374,22 @@

    " define a specific highlight group to show a position of a deleted
    " unit, _DiffDelPos = DiffChange +/- bold/underline
-   let hm = has('gui_running') ? 'gui' : &t_Co > 1 ? 'cterm' : 'term'
    let hd = hlID(t:DChar.dhl.C)
-   let ha = map(['fg', 'bg', 'sp'], 'v:val . "=" . synIDattr(hd, v:val)')
-   let hx = filter(['bold', 'italic', 'reverse', 'inverse', 'standout',
-       \'underline', 'undercurl'], 'synIDattr(hd, v:val)') +
-                       \['bold', 'underline']
-   let ha += ['=' . join(filter(copy(hx), 'count(hx, v:val) == 1'), ',')]
+   let ha = []
+   for hm in ['gui', 'cterm']
+       let ha += map(['fg', 'bg', 'sp'],
+               \'hm . v:val . "=" . synIDattr(hd, v:val, hm)')
+   endfor
+   for hm in ['gui', 'cterm', 'term']
+       let hx = filter(['bold', 'italic', 'reverse', 'inverse',
+           \'standout', 'underline', 'undercurl'],
+           \'synIDattr(hd, v:val, hm)') + ['bold', 'underline']
+       let ha += [hm . '=' . join(filter(copy(hx),
+                   \'count(hx, v:val) == 1'), ',')]
+   endfor
    exec 'silent highlight clear ' . t:DChar.dhl.Z
    exec 'silent highlight ' . t:DChar.dhl.Z . ' ' .
-       \join(map(filter(ha, 'v:val !~ "=\\(-1\\)\\=$"'), 'hm . v:val'))
+               \join(filter(ha, 'v:val !~ "=\\(-1\\)\\=$"'))

 function! diffchar#ShowDiffChar(...)

rickhowe avatar Nov 19 '16 07:11 rickhowe


This patch seems to be working fine.

I am using centos 7. Tested using vim, gvim, neovim.

$ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Jun 10 2014 06:55:55)
Included patches: 1-160
Modified by <[email protected]>
Compiled by <[email protected]>
$ nvim --version
NVIM 0.1.6-dev
Build type: RelWithDebInfo

I tested using cpp, fortran, python, and vim files, using colorschemes jellybeans, and OceanicNext.

Only on vim files I get this error, with both colorschemes, vim, nvim, and gvim.

Error detected while processing function diffchar#DiffModeSyncExpr[9]..diffchar#ResetDiffChar[25]..<SNR>130_ClearDiffChar:                                                        
line    3:                                                                                                                                                                        
E803: ID not found: 1075                                                                                                                                                          
E803: ID not found: 1068                                                                                                                                                          
E803: ID not found: 1070                                                                                                                                                          
E803: ID not found: 1072                                                                                                                                                          
Error detected while processing function diffchar#DiffModeSyncExpr[9]..diffchar#ResetDiffChar[68]..<SNR>130_ToggleDiffHL[20]..<SNR>130_RestoreDiffHL:                             
line    7:                                                                                                                                                                        
E803: ID not found: 1078  

ID not found varies.

But I guess this is a different issue. I will have a look when I find some free time and come back to you. I guess you can close this one. Thank you.

Best wishes Panagiotis

PanagiotisS avatar Nov 22 '16 16:11 PanagiotisS

Hi, Thank you for your checking. Yes, this is a different issue. I can not reproduce it in my PC, but if some plugin might get the FileType or ColorSchme events and delete all of existing match ID, diffchar.vim would produce this problem. Anyway, I will change the code in the next update to check if the ID still remains before deleting it: Regards,

--- dc64a.vim	2016-10-22 19:25:58.113819300 +0900
+++ dc65ax.vim	2016-11-23 17:11:22.675601300 +0900
@@ -860,9 +866,12 @@
 function! s:ClearDiffChar(key, lines)
+	let mx = map(getmatches(), 'v:val.id')
 	for l in a:lines
 		if has_key(t:DChar.mid[a:key], l)
-			call map(t:DChar.mid[a:key][l], 'matchdelete(v:val)')
+			call map(filter(t:DChar.mid[a:key][l],
+						\'index(mx, v:val) != -1'),
+							\'matchdelete(v:val)')
 			unlet t:DChar.mid[a:key][l]
 			unlet t:DChar.hlc[a:key][l]
@@ -1129,7 +1141,9 @@
 		if mid != -1
 			let cwin = winnr()
 			exec 'noautocmd ' . pwin . 'wincmd w'
-			call matchdelete(mid)
+			if index(map(getmatches(), 'v:val.id'), mid) != -1
+				call matchdelete(mid)
+			endif
 			exec 'noautocmd ' . cwin . 'wincmd w'
 		exec 'au! diffchar WinEnter <buffer=' . winbufnr(pwin) . '>'
@@ -1319,7 +1333,9 @@
 	let cwin = winnr()
 	for k in [1, 2]
 		exec 'noautocmd ' . t:DChar.win[k] . 'wincmd w'
-		call map(t:DChar.dtm[k], 'matchdelete(v:val)')
+		let mx = map(getmatches(), 'v:val.id')
+		call map(filter(t:DChar.dtm[k], 'index(mx, v:val) != -1'),
+						\'matchdelete(v:val)')
 	exec 'noautocmd ' . cwin . 'wincmd w'

rickhowe avatar Nov 23 '16 08:11 rickhowe