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A song picker/player AIR native extension for iOS and Android.
A song picker/player AIR native extension for iOS and Android.
Author: Rich Lovejoy (
The SongPicker Air Native Extension lets you choose a song from your music library on your iOS or Android device using the native media picker, and play it back using the native media player.
You must include the following lines in the Android manifest section of your app config xml file to use the picker:
- You must specify the iOS SDK to build against when packaging an app for iOS. (ActionScript Build Packaging > Apple iOS > Native Extensions)
Include the SongPicker.ane in your project.
import com.newpixel.air.nativeextensions.SongPicker; import com.newpixel.air.nativeextensions.SongPickerEvent;
SongPicker.instance.addEventListener(SongPickerEvent.SONG_CHOSEN, songChooseHandler);
SongPicker.instance.addEventListener(SongPickerEvent.CANCELLED_SONG_PICKER, cancelPickHandler);
SongPicker class methods
isNativeMediaPickerAvailable():Boolean Returns true if there is a native media picker on this device. This may return false on some Android devices, like the Kindle.
pickSong(downloadedSongsOnly:Boolean=true):void Bring up the native media picker to allow a user to choose a song from his library. Triggers the SongPickerEvent.SONG_CHOSEN or SongPickerEvent.CANCELLED_SONG_PICKER when the picker is dismissed. Args: - downloadedSongsOnly: If true, the device will only show songs that are downloaded on the device, and ignore those in the cloud.
playSong(songId:String="", position:Number=-1):void Begin playing a song with the specified ID, or resume playing the current song if songId is "". Args: - songId: The persistent ID of the song to play, which is obtained after picking a song with the picker. - position: A playhead position in seconds, to begin playing the song. The default value -1 tells the player to begin playing at the start of the song or to resume where it left off.
pauseSong():void Pause the current song playback.
stopSong():void Stop current song playback.
setVolume():void Pass a Number between 0 and 1 to set the volume of the currently playing song.
getVolume():Number Returns a Number between 0 and 1 - the volume of the currently playing song.
setPlayheadTime():void Pass a Number in seconds to set the playhead of the currently playing song.
getPlayheadTime():Number Returns a Number in seconds - the playhead of the currently playing song.
fadeOutSong(fadeTime:Number):void Fade down the song's volume to 0 in fadeTime seconds.
fadeInSong(fadeTime:Number):void Fade up the song's volume from 0 in fadeTime seconds.
SONG_CHOSEN: Triggered when the user has selected a song from the media picker. The following properties will be available in the event object:
- ID (String): persistent ID of the song. This is a 64-bit number on iOS and a URI on Android.
- title (String): title of track.
- artist (String): artist of track.
- duration (int): length of the track in seconds
CANCELLED_SONG_PICKER: User has cancelled picking a song.
SONG_FINISHED: Playback of current song has finished.
See the SongPickerExample project which can be built with FlashBuilder.