picojpeg copied to clipboard
Canvas to JPEG, then file upload to ESP32 SPIFFS fails to decode, error 19
Thank you for Picojpeg. I found it embeded in Bodmer's JPEGDecoder https://github.com/Bodmer/JPEGDecoder/blob/master/src/picojpeg.h and used to display images on a 135x240 pixel OLED display.
I created a 10x10 pixel JPEG encoded image from a Javascript context using this code:
var mywide = video.videoWidth;
mywide = mywide / 6;
canvas.width = 135;
canvas.height = 240;
var image = canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video,0,0,10,10,0,0,10,10);
var base64png = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);
var dataURL = base64png.replace(/\s/g, '+').replace(/^data:image\/jpeg;base64,/, '');
var nobase = window.atob(dataURL);
var oAjaxReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oAjaxReq.submittedData = nobase;
oAjaxReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
console.log("Uploading image");
oAjaxReq.onload = function (oEvent)
oAjaxReq.open("post", "upload", true);
var bound = Date.now().toString(16);
var sBoundary = "----WebKitFormBoundary" + bound;
oAjaxReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + sBoundary );
var mydata = "--" + sBoundary + "\r\n";
mydata += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"name\"; filename=\"" + "slice1.jpg" + "\"\r\n";
mydata += "Content-Type: image/png";
mydata += "\r\n";
mydata += "\r\n";
mydata += nobase;
mydata += "\r\n";
mydata += "--" + sBoundary + "--";
mydata += "\r\n";
oAjaxReq.send( mydata );
I am using FHessel's HTTPS Server on ESP32 to receive the form post from a Chrome browser.
Here is my form post handler code for the server side:
void handle_upload(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res)
HTTPBodyParser *parser;
parser = new HTTPMultipartBodyParser(req);
bool didwrite = false;
Serial.println( "Handle_upload 2" );
while(parser->nextField()) {
Serial.println( "Handle_upload 3" );
std::string name = parser->getFieldName();
std::string filename = parser->getFieldFilename();
std::string mimeType = parser->getFieldMimeType();
Serial.printf("handleFormUpload: field name='%s', filename='%s', mimetype='%s'\n", name.c_str(), filename.c_str(), mimeType.c_str() );
if ( ! (filename.rfind("/", 0) == 0) )
filename = "/" + filename;
Serial.print("handle_upload Name: ");
Serial.println(filename.c_str() );
fsUploadFile = LITTLEFS.open( filename.c_str(), "w"); // Open the file for writing in SPIFFS (create if it doesn't exist)
size_t fileLength = 0;
didwrite = true;
while (!parser->endOfField()) {
byte buf[512];
size_t readLength = parser->read(buf, 512);
fsUploadFile.write(buf, readLength);
fileLength += readLength;
res->printf("<p>Saved %d bytes to %s</p>", (int)fileLength, filename.c_str() );
if (!didwrite) {
res->println("<p>Did not write any file contents</p>");
delete parser;
{ // If the file was successfully created
res->setHeader("Location", "/success");
res->setStatusText("Upload failed");
The upload works, stores the file in the ESP32 SPIFFS file system (using LittleFS) and here are the file contents (printed out as ASCII character and Hex value):
=A, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, ⸮=C3, ⸮=84, =0, )=29, =10, =1, =0, =1, =3, =2, =5, =1, =9, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =1, =2, =3, =5, =4, =11, =6, =7, =12, =13, 1=31, ⸮=C2, ⸮=81, =14, !=21, "=22, #=23, 2=32, Q=51, ⸮=C2, ⸮=85, ⸮=C3, ⸮=81, ⸮=C3, ⸮=94, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, ⸮=C3, ⸮=84, =0, =19, =1, =1, =0, =3, =1, =1, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =3, =5, =7, =4, =6, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, ⸮=C3, ⸮=84, =0, -=2D, =11, =1, =0, =1, =3, =2, =3, =3,
=D, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =1, =2, =3, =11, =4, =12, =5, =15, !=21, 1=31, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A3, ⸮=C3, ⸮=93, =14, "=22, #=23, A=41, Q=51, S=53, T=54, a=61, s=73, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A1, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B1, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B3, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B0, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9A, =0, =C, =3, =1, =0, =2, =11, =3, =11, =0, ?=3F, =0, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A3, z=7A, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=89, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8F, 4=34, ⸮=C3, ⸮=87, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BA, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A9, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, i=69, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9F, ⸮=C3, ⸮=97, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, =7F, =1B, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8B, >=3E, ⸮=C2, ⸮=89, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8E, q=71, 3=33, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AC, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8F, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BB, ⸮=C3, ⸮=97, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B3, k=6B,
=D, [=5B, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A6, ]=5D, u=75, \=5C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A3, l=6C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=95, U=55, }=7D, S=53, =18, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BD, 1=31, =1A, =8, ⸮=C2, ⸮=89, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B5, ⸮=C2, ⸮=88, ⸮=C2, ⸮=87, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B0, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A1, Y=59, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B2,
=D, >=3E, {=7B, }=7D, /=2F, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AE, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B8, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8F, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B8, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AC, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A7, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8A, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AA, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A8, }=7D, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B4, ⸮=C3, ⸮=96, P=50, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8B, =15, @=40, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, -=2D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A3, ⸮=C2, ⸮=98, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BC, g=67, =1E, 3=33, ;=3B, ~=7E, ;=3B, =15, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BC, *=2A, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BE, U=55, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A0, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B7, =1D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AF, =11, m=6D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8F, 8=38, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=85, w=77, =1A, =7F, =5, -=2D, ⸮=C2, ⸮=92, ⸮=C3, ⸮=89, k=6B, r=72, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BA, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, ⸮=C3, ⸮=99, =1C, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, =0, h=68, ⸮=C3, ⸮=96, j=6A, ;=3B, }=7D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AB, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9D, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BB, V=56, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BA, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BB, 6=36, m=6D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=98, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B2, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AC, [=5B, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B5, j=6A, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9E, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9B, V=56, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A8, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A3, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A1, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A2, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BA, z=7A, ⸮=C2, ⸮=AA, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9E, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A9, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9E, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8B, V=56, ⸮=C2, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C3, ⸮=98, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B7, M=4D, ⸮=C2, ⸮=AB, T=54, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A2, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A7, 5=35, U=55, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=95, M=4D, S=53, ⸮=C3, ⸮=96, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A9, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B5, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C3, ⸮=84, t=74, W=57, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9F, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BF, w=77, S=53, v=76, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BB, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AB, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9F, v=76, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BD, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BB, ⸮=C2, ⸮=AA, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, M=4D, 9=39, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, L=4C, Q=51, O=4F, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9B, D=44, S=53, L=4C, b=62, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9A, b=62, :=3A, D=44, g=67, =19, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9E, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B9, ⸮=C2, ⸮=96,
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Picojpeg rejects the file and throws error 19.
I tested Picojpeg using a jpeg file I created in Pixelmator for Mac and Picojpeg works fine. I use the same HTTPS Server code to upload the file contents. I use this HTML:
<form action=upload method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>
<input type=file name=name>
<input class=button type=submit value=Upload>
This uploads the Jpeg file correctly. And Picojpeg decodes the jpeg image correctly and with no error.
I'm not sure where to go next? Any help would be appreciated.
Hi - Sorry you're using a bunch of technologies which aren't my strong suite (like web tech). If you're having a problem with the decoder itself, I would be glad to help.