Richard Carlsson
Richard Carlsson
To avoid running a million tests that don't work, there should be a limit on the number of failures allowed before aborting.
Some users would like to be able to run eunit tests as part of another test suite engine and collect all the results (including output, see #12).
Some users have said they want to be able to get the captured output from a test. In particular, some users would like to be able to run eunit tests...
There should be macros in eunit for asserting that 1) a float (or any number) is within some epsilon from some other number (absolute error), 2) that the relative error...
Reported by M.W.Park. When i got some errors in emacs erlang buffer, next-error (C-x `) always prompts for the exact file name because of the missing '.erl' in the tty...
Reported by Joern Barthel. When compiling parameterized modules an exception is thrown. Example: -module(foo, [ Bar ]). -compile([export_all]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). foo() -> Bar. foo_test() -> ?assertMatch("foo!", (foo:new("foo!")):foo(). Exception: ./foo.erl:none: error in...
It would be great if eunit could collect the stderr output from tests separately from stdout. Currently, this seems to be almost impossible until stderr support is added on a... Read through and see if there are good ideas that should be transplanted to prettypr.erl.
Vlad Dumitrescu wrote (08/12/2005 12:01 PM): > I would like to use syntax_tools to prettyprint source code, but with a slightly modified layout - for example, I'd like to have...
Bertil Karlsson < [email protected]> skrev: As you may know, igor is used in OTP's asn1 compiler, where I discovered that igor turns ``` spawn(asn1rt_driver_handler, init, [self()]); ``` into ``` spawn(fun...