Chrome-GPT copied to clipboard
A few modules are not found and how to run
Click, Langchain, selenium, validators modules need to be installed prior to running the code if you have not got them already. Also >> poetry shell command does not work because it is not placed in the home directory. Therefore referring to this link may be helpful
After all these issues addressed, running "python -m chromegpt" produces an error -> Error: Missing option '--task' / '-t'. After revising the command to "python -m chromegpt --task", another error arises -> Error: Option '--task' requires an argument. To correct this, the comment in the General section should be noted -> python -m chromegpt -t "{your request}" and your request could be one of the options below: "auto-gpt", "baby-agi", or "zero-shot". One example would be python -m chromegpt -t "auto-gpt".