org-notion icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
org-notion copied to clipboard integration with Emacs Org-mode using the official API

#+TITLE: org-notion #+DATE: 2023-07-12 #+DESCRIPTION: Org-mode Extension #+AUTHOR: ellis #+EMAIL: [email protected]

  • Overview [[][Org-mode]] is the [[][GNU Emacs]] major-mode for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, and project planning. It is a very powerful text-based system for organizing your life in plaintext.

[[][Notion]] is a web-based application with a similar purpose. It works well on all platforms and has some cool features including databases, realtime collaboration, and as of 2021 an [[][official API]].

=org-notion= is an Emacs package that uses this API to integrate the beauty of Notion with your Org-mode workflow.

** Status

  • state :: ON HOLD This package is not yet complete. I plan to continue development in the next few months but am open to contribs and chatting about design/features in the meantime. Check the [[*Dev Log][Dev Log]] for updates.
  • TODO Introduction

  • Design This package wraps the full Notion API with support for all web requests and object types. The requests are dispatched via the methods specializing on the =org-notion-request= EIEIO class instance. The responses are parsed to create a subclass instance of =org-notion-object= which contain the actual contents as =org-notion-rich-text= instances. This is the low-level interface which can be hacked to your liking.

All classes are shown below. There's an abstract =org-notion-class= which all classes inherit as well as a special =org-notion-cache= class which stores a cache of =org-notion-object= instances. #+begin_example org-notion-class
| +--org-notion-block
| +--org-notion-page
| +--org-notion-database
| +--org-notion-user
| +--org-notion-inline-equation
| +--org-notion-inline-mention
| +--org-notion-inline-text

The parsing is achieved with the help of [[][org-element]] and [[][json.el]]. An =org-notion-mode= minor-mode is provided for interacting with the API from an Org buffer and custom properties are used to keep headlines/files in sync with their Notion counterparts.

  • Installation =org-notion= only depends on built-in Emacs libraries. To install, simply clone the repo: #+begin_src shell git clone

    OR hg clone


and make sure your =load-path= is setup correctly in your config: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/org-notion") #+end_src

Now you can load the package with: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (require 'org-notion) #+end_src

This package will be uploaded to MELPA upon reaching v1.0.0.

  • Configuration You should create a [[][private integration]] on the Notion side if you haven't already. This will generate a new Internal Integration Token which is used to authenticate API requests from Emacs.

When running a command for the first time such as =org-notion-get-users= you will be prompted for your token. This is cached internally for future calls but will not persist across sessions (after restarting the emacs daemon).

The default behavior is to first check with [[][auth-sources]] before sending requests (=~/.authinfo= or =~/.authinfo.gpg=). This is highly recommended as it avoids the prompt and is more secure. You can disable the check if you wish to temporarily use a different token with =(setq org-notion-check-auth-source nil)=.

  • TODO Usage The autoloaded functions in this package provide the high-level interface. Most notable of these is =org-notion-mode=, which is a minor-mode you can add as a hook to =org-mode=.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-notion-mode) #+end_src

You can customize the keymap =org-notion-mode-map= to your liking. The defauls are show below.

#+tblname: org-notion-mode-map | key | function | description | |-----------+---------------------+---------------------------------| | C-c n p | org-notion-push | Push local changes to Notion | | C-c n f | org-notion-pull | Pull remote changes from Notion | | C-c n o | org-notion-browse | Open Notion page in browser | | C-c n r s | org-notion-search | Search Notion | | C-c n r u | org-notion-get-user | Get Notion Users |

  • Resources
  • Notion
    • [[][API docs]]
    • [[][examples]]
  • Emacs
    • [[][url]]
    • [[][parsing json]]
    • [[][ert]]
    • [[][eieio]]
    • [[][org-element]]
  • Prior Art
    • [[][ahungry/org-jira]]
    • [[][RadekMolenda/org-notion]]
  • Dev Log ** [2023-07-12 Wed] project state I haven't done much with this project (sorry!) in the past several months. It's been a busy start to the year with a series of developments that have taken priority.
  • COMMENT notes ** v2 roadmap *** user capabilities
    • account for user capabilities
      • early handling when caps are invalid for method ** tasks *** TODO implement to/from-json and to/from-org
    • org-notion-object
      • [ ] org-notion-block
      • [ ] org-notion-page
      • [ ] org-notion-database
      • [X] org-notion-user
        • account for NOTION_TYPE
        • account for NOTION_OWNER
      • [ ] org-notion-rich-text
      • [ ] org-notion-inline-equation
      • [ ] org-notion-inline-mention
      • [ ] org-notion-inline-text
        *** DONE add org-notion-cache-config custom var
  • State "DONE" from "TODO" [2023-01-08 Sun 05:21]
  • State "TODO" from [2023-01-07 Sat 01:45]
  • need to run tests with cache disabled
  • will require unit testing different cache configurations