Richard McClellan
Richard McClellan
> What does the SQL look like? The SQL for `contains` is: `select * from table_name where instr(table_column_name,?) > 0` I believe `LIKE` could be used instead of `instr`? The...
I am seeing this issue as well. I'd appreciate it if someone could look into it again, thanks!
@sandipgh19, can you provide the error you are seeing?
When you build your app, Java classes are generated from the `queries.graphql`, `mutations.graphql`, and `subscriptions.graphql` files. Given the `NO-SOURCE` error you are seeing, my guess is that it cannot find...
Hi @myounis97, I don't believe there is a way to set custom HTTP headers on the request. What use case are you trying to solve with request headers?
While the AWS IoT service does support this, it is not currently supported by the Android SDK. Leaving this open as a feature request for this library.
> for Android it's not [working] What exactly is not working? Is there a particular error message you are getting?
@hassanctech any thoughts on this one?
Sharing credentials across apps via `AccountManager` is not currently supported, though I do agree it would be valuable for anyone building multiple apps that share a common user pool. We...