Richard Lord
Richard Lord
Sorry I didn't reply. I don't use fruitfly anymore and haven't had time to look at the issue. If you find a solution I would be happy to add it...
SubTextureNode handles the placement of items in the atlas. If you add one to each use of item.bitmap.width and item.bitmap.height in this class that should add a one pixel space...
It seems the problem may relate to the anti-aliasing in Starling. Anyway, try the code in this branch - I've added a bitmapPadding property in the Fruitfly instance, which...
It's not just stable, it's complete bar very occasional bug fixes and performance improvements. I can add a 1.0 tag but with no future updates planned it seems superfluous.
Like I said, I can do it but it seems superfluous. You need to convince me of the value in doing so, particularly since the correct 1.0.0 tag would have...
This project is not in active development. I think versioning a completed project, which runs on a dying platform, for which the correct version 1.0 would have been two years...
I have seen too many problems in too many libraries where the library decides when to apply a requested change. So in Ash the change happens when you request it....
If you were an Actionscript programmer it would be straightforward. You need a copy of either Adobe Flash, Adobe Air SDK or Adobe Flex SDK, and you need to learn...
I haven't maintained the project - I don't use it anymore myself - so I don't know if it still works with the latest version of Starling.
I use Unity3D.