Actionscript-Toolkit copied to clipboard
Various bits of useful Actionscript code that I've released in the past, grouped together in one place.
h1. A random collection of useful code
This project contains various useful Actionscript code from "my blog":
h2. Included
- "Key Poll": - for checking if any key is down or up at a specific time.
- "Finite State Machine": - A simple finite state machine for Actionscript 3 games.
- "Weak Ref": - creates a weak reference to an object.
- "Object Pool": - a simple object pool for any and all object types.
- "Singleton": - a simple factory to create and maintain a single instance of any class or classes.
- "Function Utils": - utilities to modify a function signature.
- "Math Utils": - utilities for changing between degrees and radians and for getting random numbers.
- "Construct": - a function to call the constructor of a class (function.apply can't be used to call the constructor).
- "Hit Test": - performs collision checking between two display objects by drawing them into a bitmap and checking for an overlap.
h2. License
All code is covered by the MIT open-source license. The license text is included at the top of each source code file.