EusUniBan copied to clipboard
A decentralized ban-list sharing plugin for Minecraft server.
A decentralized ban-list sharing plugin for Minecraft server.
- Sharing your ban-list without a central server
- Benefiting from other servers without changing your own local ban-list
- Subscribing servers you trust
- It works with third-party banning plugins: including AdvancedBan, BungeeBan and LiteBans
- Customizable warning & banning threshold
- Encrypting your shared ban-list with customizable password
- Extendable
- Access control:
- Server whitelist
- Server blacklist
- Request frequency controlling
Extra Requirement
- An open TCP port that is accessible by public
Command |
/uniban lookup <Name> |
/uniban check <Player/UUID> |
/uniban whitelist <"add"/"remove"> <Player/UUID> |
/uniban subscribe <Subscription Key> |
/uniban share <Your Server Hostname, eg.> |
/uniban exempt <Server Address> |
/uniban reload |
Permission | Description | Default |
uniban.admin | Permission to use /uniban command | ops |
uniban.getnotified | Permission to get notified when a player who reached the warning threshold enters | ops |
uniban.ignore | Permission to bypass warning and banning | null |
config.yml -> Subscription
'0': # tag of the server, must be unique, can be customized
Host: '' # Host name or IP
Port: 60009 # Port of UniBan Broadcast
Password: 'UniBan' # You may ask for the password from the server owner
Host: ''
Port: 443 # Use SSL (or 80 if you want to use HTTP)
#Password: '' # No password
ConfigVersion: 3
# Warn players with permission "uniban.getnotified" if they are banned by more than the value below, set to -1 to disable
WarnThreshold: 1
# Prevent players without permission "uniban.ignore" entering the server if they are banned by more than the value below, set to -1 to disable
BanThreshold: 2
# Whether an OP should be ignored by online-ban check
IgnoreOP: true
Enabled: true
# if you want other servers access your ban-list
Port: 60009
Threads: 2
# If you do not want to encrypt your shared ban-list, set it to ''
Password: UniBan
# Simple function to protect your broadcast service from CC attack
Enabled: true
# Unit: minute
MinPeriodPerServer: 1.0
Enabled: false
# If there is a '*' in this list while whitelist is enabled, only these servers that are in the whitelist can access your ban-list
- '*'
Enabled: true
# The following servers will not be limited by "MinPeriodPerServer" function
- localhost
# ServerID function is still under construction
ServerID: 7aa71b85-8f12-4472-a34f-3f0863901035
# Interval of refreshing local ban-list (players that you banned by using /ban command), the unit is minute
LocalBanListRefreshPeriod: 1.0
# Interval of refreshing subscribed ban-list, the unit is minute
SubscriptionRefreshPeriod: 10.0
Port: 60009
Password: UniBan
# Player whitelist, defined by UUID
UUIDWhitelist: []
# '&' will automatically be replace by '§'
WarningMessage: '&bUniban &3&l> &eWarning: Player {player}({uuid}) has been banned from another {number} server(s).'
BannedOnlineKickMessage: '&eSorry, you have been banned from another {number} server(s).'
MessagePrefix: 'UniBan &3> &r'
IgnoredOP: 'Ignored OP: %s'
PlayerNotExist: 'Player %s does not exist.'
PlayerState: 'Player %s state: %s'
PlayerBanned: '&cBanned from: '
PlayerNormal: '&anormal'
InvalidSubscriptionKey: '&eInvalid subscription key'
SubscriptionKeyAdded: 'Successfully added %s to your subscription list.'
YourSubscriptionKey: 'Here''s the sharing link of your server''s Subscription Key which contains your address and connection password:'
SubscriptionKeyLink: ''
SubscriptionExempted: 'Successfully exempted server %s from subscription list temporarily.'
FailedExempting: 'Failed exempting %s. Does that subscription exist?'
WhitelistAdded: 'Player %s has been added to whitelist'
WhitelistRemoved: 'Player %s has been removed from whitelist'
Reloaded: 'Reloaded.'
Error: 'Error: %s'
SubscriptionsHeader: 'Subscriptions [%s] -----'
ThirdPartyPluginSupportHeader: 'Third-party Banning Plugin Support -----'
Encrypted: 'Encrypted'
PluginEnabled: '&lEnabled'
PluginNotFound: '&oNot Found'
BroadcastStarted: 'UniBan broadcast started on %s:%s (%s Threads)'
BroadcastActiveModeEnabled: 'UniBan broadcast service is running under active mode.'
BroadcastFailed: 'Failed starting broadcast server'
UpToDate: 'You are up-to-date.'
NewVersionAvailable: 'There is a newer version %s available at §n'
InvalidSpigotResourceID: 'It looks like you are using an unsupported version of UniBan. Please manually look for update.'
FailedCheckingUpdate: 'Error occurred when checking update'
LoadedFromLocalCache: 'Loaded %s banned players from ban-list cache.'
Processing: 'Just a sec...'
HelpMessageHeader: 'Usage:'
- '/uniban lookup <&lName&r>'
- '/uniban check <&lPlayer/UUID&r>'
- '/uniban whitelist <“&ladd&r”/“&lremove&r”> <&lPlayer/UUID>'
- '/uniban share <&lYour Server Hostname&r, eg. &>'
- '/uniban subscribe <&lSubscription Key&r>'
- '/uniban exempt <&lServer Address&r>'
- '/uniban reload'