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libuv bindings for Lua
I find it tricky to cleanly destroy a lua state if there are active requests, because ``loop_gc`` try to cancel active requests which will callback into lua again, but some...
If someone knows Richard personally, please tell him not to give up on this project. He has such a good head start with his unique coroutine-based approach vs everybody's else...
I am using timers to implement thread.yield (or sleep(0)). Luv's fiber hub hangs in this case. Test code: ``` Lua local luv = require('luv') local spawn = function (func, ...)...
I wrote simle tcp proxy. I have 2 fibers Fiber1 read from backend and write to frontend Fiber2 read from frontend and write to backend Fiber1 create Fiber2 and pass...
I just run the example: http_hellosvr.lua. After the browser get a "Hello" string, the server is broken. ``` $ lua http_hellosvr.lua HTTP server listening to Hit CTRL+C to exit....
local luv = require('luv') local zmq = luv.zmq.create(2) local cons = luv.fiber.create(function() local sub = zmq:socket(luv.zmq.PULL) sub:connect('tcp://') ``` -- local pub = zmq:socket(luv.zmq.PUB) -- pub:bind('tcp://') local pub = zmq:socket(luv.zmq.PUSH) pub:bind('tcp://')...
hi, hundt, hi, what is the latest dev progress on ray branch? It seems having new features than luv. Good luck.
It is at I tested it, it only support tens cocurrencies, while cocurrencies rise, lgserver blocked and no response to tester. maybe I am not very familiar with luv...
i drafted a cmake build here . please, feedback if it's feasible to have in master. libzmq just started cmake for windows, libuv has cmake build thanks to @okuoku...