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Popup and Transform support
Request for support these features:
OL transform feature example:
var feature = new ol.Feature();
var point = new ol.geom.Point([item.long, item.lat]);
feature.setGeometry(point.transform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'));
Popup feature example:
var map = new ol.Map(...);
var popup = new ol.Overlay.Popup();
//Event on click
map .on('singleclick', (evt) => {
var coordinate = evt.coordinate;
popup.show(coordinate, "My coord: " + coordinate);
Thank you!
Hi @pedrobj ,
ol-react doesn't support these yet but I'm interested in working out how to represent these in a reactful JSX style way. What do you think of the following?:
<Point transformation={['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857']}>{[item.long, item.lat]}</Point>
Or maybe (since transformation can be applied to an geometry):
<Transformation from="EPSG:4326" to="EPSG:3857">
<Point>{[item.long, item.lat]}</Point>
For the second, it seems likely that overlays would be children of the Map, so maybe:
<Map onClick={this.handleMapClick}>
<Popup coordinate={this.state.popupCoordinate} hidden={!this.state.popupCoordinate} />
handleMapClick(evt) {
popupCoordinate: evt.coordinate
These should be very simple to add with the existing architecture of ol-react. Please do send me a pull request if you can implement them.