Richard Davison

Results 29 comments of Richard Davison

> Cool! I also noticed there is a lot of "unused" code being included in the bundle. For instance: Path contains a lot of code for win32 which is not...

One thing I didn't think about is that ESM does not support exporting of getters. This means that this change will be breaking as there is no way to do...

> Yes unfortunately it's forbidden in ESM to do so. Yes, it's possible. I've had great success in experimenting with lazy loading for all modules. I first bundle every file...

Will open a draft PR in the coming days. **THIS** also is very exciting: its HUGE one, don't hate me 😶

You can use which is generic and has a bitmask() function for vector masks. That way the same code could be use regardless of CPU architecture

Can we expect this in 0.11.1 or 0.12? :)

I got it working using node by simply setting NODE_OPTIONS and setting the debug port. Then expose that port from my dockerfile :) BUT, that only solves the "node" debugging,...

Hi there. Thanks for the issue. Do you have an example string?