vscode-youcompleteme copied to clipboard
500 error using rust
Don't know enough about youcompleteme, but it seems the vscode extension is sending something it doesn't like?
[_start] process spawn success 20368
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[getInstance] ycm is initializing, delay 200ms...
[start] ycm started: 20368
[buildRequest] document, c:\Users\Beau\Code\godot\Rust\src\godot\player_movement.rs; position: null; event: BufferVisit
[_request] {"filepath":"c:\\Users\\Beau\\Code\\godot\\Rust\\src\\godot\\player_movement.rs","working_dir":"c:\\Users\\Beau\\Code\\godot\\Rust","file_data":{"c:\\Users\\Beau\\Code\\godot\\Rust\\src\\godot\\player_movement.rs":{"contents":"use euclid::Rotation2D;\nuse euclid::Scale;\nuse gdnative::{\n godot_error, godot_wrap_method, godot_wrap_method_inner,\n godot_wrap_method_parameter_count, methods, user_data, Angle, KinematicBody2D, NativeClass,\n};\n\nuse crate::godot::pixels::Pixel;\nuse crate::godot::pixels::PixelLength;\nuse crate::godot::pixels::PixelVector2D;\nuse crate::godot::input::{Strafe,Locomotion,get_user_input};\n\n\nconst DEFAULT_SPEED : PixelLength = PixelLength::new(200.0);\n\n\n#[derive(NativeClass)]\n#[inherit(KinematicBody2D)]\n#[user_data(user_data::MutexData<PlayerMovement>)]\n#[register_with(register_properties)]\npub struct PlayerMovement {\n speed: PixelLength\n}\n\nfn register_properties(builder: &gdnative::init::ClassBuilder<PlayerMovement>) {\n let speed_property = gdnative::init::Property{\n name: \"speed\",\n default: DEFAULT_SPEED.get(),\n hint: gdnative::init::PropertyHint::None,\n getter: |this: &PlayerMovement| this.speed.get(),\n setter: |this: &mut PlayerMovement, v| this.speed = PixelLength::new(v),\n usage: gdnative::init::PropertyUsage::DEFAULT\n };\n builder.add_property(speed_property);\n}\n\n// __One__ `impl` block can have the `#[methods]` attribute, which will generate\n// code to automatically bind any exported methods to Godot.\n#[methods]\nimpl PlayerMovement {\n /// The \"constructor\" of the class.\n fn _init(_owner: KinematicBody2D) -> Self {\n PlayerMovement { speed: DEFAULT_SPEED }\n }\n\n #[export]\n fn _physics_process(&mut self, mut owner: KinematicBody2D, _delta: f64) {\n let input = get_user_input();\n let mouse = unsafe { owner.get_global_mouse_position() };\n unsafe { owner.look_at(mouse) };\n let angle = Angle::radians(unsafe { owner.get_rotation() } as f32);\n let rotation :Rotation2D<f32,Pixel,Pixel>= Rotation2D::new(angle);\n\n let x = match input.locomotion {\n Some(Locomotion::Backward) => -UNIT,\n Some(Locomotion::Forward) => UNIT,\n None => ZERO\n };\n\n let y = match input.strafe {\n Some(Strafe::Left) => -UNIT,\n Some(Strafe::Right) => UNIT,\n None => ZERO\n };\n let scale = Scale::new(self.speed.get());\n\n let velocity = scale.transform_vector(PixelVector2D::from_lengths(x,y).robust_normalize());\n\n let velocity = rotation.transform_vector(velocity);\n let floor_normal = PixelVector2D::zero();\n\n unsafe {\n owner.move_and_slide(velocity.to_untyped(), floor_normal.to_untyped(), false, 10, 0.0, false);\n }\n }\n}\n","filetypes":["rust"]}},"line_num":1,"column_num":1,"event_name":"BufferVisit"}
[_request] req.end called
[buildRequest] document, c:\Users\Beau\Code\godot\Rust\src\godot\player_movement.rs; position: [object Object]; event: null
[_request] {"filepath":"c:\\Users\\Beau\\Code\\godot\\Rust\\src\\godot\\player_movement.rs","working_dir":"c:\\Users\\Beau\\Code\\godot\\Rust","file_data":{"c:\\Users\\Beau\\Code\\godot\\Rust\\src\\godot\\player_movement.rs":{"contents":"use euclid::Rotation2D;\nuse euclid::Scale;\nuse gdnative::{\n godot_error, godot_wrap_method, godot_wrap_method_inner,\n godot_wrap_method_parameter_count, methods, user_data, Angle, KinematicBody2D, NativeClass,\n};\n\nuse crate::godot::pixels::Pixel;\nuse crate::godot::pixels::PixelLength;\nuse crate::godot::pixels::PixelVector2D;\nuse crate::godot::input::{Strafe,Locomotion,get_user_input};\n\n\nconst DEFAULT_SPEED : PixelLength = PixelLength::new(200.0);\n\n\n#[derive(NativeClass)]\n#[inherit(KinematicBody2D)]\n#[user_data(user_data::MutexData<PlayerMovement>)]\n#[register_with(register_properties)]\npub struct PlayerMovement {\n speed: PixelLength\n}\n\nfn register_properties(builder: &gdnative::init::ClassBuilder<PlayerMovement>) {\n let speed_property = gdnative::init::Property{\n name: \"speed\",\n default: DEFAULT_SPEED.get(),\n hint: gdnative::init::PropertyHint::None,\n getter: |this: &PlayerMovement| this.speed.get(),\n setter: |this: &mut PlayerMovement, v| this.speed = PixelLength::new(v),\n usage: gdnative::init::PropertyUsage::DEFAULT\n };\n builder.add_property(speed_property);\n}\n\n// __One__ `impl` block can have the `#[methods]` attribute, which will generate\n// code to automatically bind any exported methods to Godot.\n#[methods]\nimpl PlayerMovement {\n /// The \"constructor\" of the class.\n fn _init(_owner: KinematicBody2D) -> Self {\n PlayerMovement { speed: DEFAULT_SPEED }\n }\n\n #[export]\n fn _physics_process(&mut self, mut owner: KinematicBody2D, _delta: f64) {\n let input = get_user_input();\n let mouse = unsafe { owner.get_global_mouse_position() };\n unsafe { owner.look_at(mouse) };\n let angle = Angle::radians(unsafe { owner.get_rotation() } as f32);\n let rotation :Rotation2D<f32,Pixel,Pixel>= Rotation2D::new(angle);\n\n let x = match input.locomotion {\n Some(Locomotion::Backward) => -UNIT,\n Some(Locomotion::Forward) => UNIT,\n None => ZERO\n };\n\n let y = match input.strafe {\n Some(Strafe::Left) => -UNIT,\n Some(Strafe::Right) => UNIT,\n None => ZERO\n };\n let scale = Scale::new(self.speed.get());\n\n let velocity = scale.transform_vector(PixelVector2D::from_lengths(x,y).robust_normalize());\n\n let velocity = rotation.transform_vector(velocity);\n let floor_normal = PixelVector2D::zero();\n\n unsafe {\n owner.move_and_slide(velocity.to_untyped(), floor_normal.to_untyped(), false, 10, 0.0, false);\n }\n }\n}\n","filetypes":["rust"]}},"line_num":70,"column_num":50,"command_arguments":["FixIt"],"completer_target":"filetype_default"}
[_request] req.end called
[ycm stderr] 2020-01-23 20:35:43,152 - INFO - Received event notification
[ycm stderr] 2020-01-23 20:35:43,152 - INFO - Received command request
[ycm stderr] 2020-01-23 20:35:43,155 - INFO - Using Rust completer
[ycm stderr] 2020-01-23 20:35:43,155 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
[ycm stderr] 2020-01-23 20:35:43,155 - INFO - No support for ExecuteCommand command in server for rust
[_request] status code: 200
[_request] {}
[getReady] {}
[ycm stderr] 2020-01-23 20:35:43,155 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,155 - INFO - No support for FixIt command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,155 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,155 - INFO - No support for GoToDefinition command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,155 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - INFO - No support for GoToDeclaration command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - INFO - No support for GoTo command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - INFO - No support for GoToType command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - INFO - No support for GoToImplementation command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - INFO - No support for GoToReferences command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - INFO - No support for RefactorRename command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - INFO - No support for Format command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,156 - INFO - Always supporting StopServer for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - Always supporting RestartServer for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - Always supporting GetDoc for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - Always supporting GetType for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - No support for ExecuteCommand command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - No support for FixIt command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - No support for GoToDefinition command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - No support for GoToDeclaration command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - No support for GoTo command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - No support for GoToType command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - No support for GoToImplementation command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - INFO - No support for GoToReferences command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,157 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,158 - INFO - No support for RefactorRename command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,158 - WARNING - Can't determine subcommands: not initialized yet
2020-01-23 20:35:43,158 - INFO - No support for Format command in server for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,158 - INFO - Always supporting StopServer for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,158 - INFO - Always supporting RestartServer for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,158 - INFO - Always supporting GetDoc for rust
2020-01-23 20:35:43,158 - INFO - Always supporting GetType for rust
[_request] status code: 500
[_request] {"exception":{"TYPE":"ValueError"},"message":"Supported commands are:\nGetDoc\nGetType\nRestartServer\nSee the docs for information on what they do.","traceback":"Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\completers\\completer.py\", line 414, in OnUserCommand\n command = command_map[ arguments[ 0 ] ]\nKeyError: 'FixIt'\n\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\third_party\\bottle\\bottle.py\", line 862, in _handle\n return route.call(**args)\n File \"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\third_party\\bottle\\bottle.py\", line 1740, in wrapper\n rv = callback(*a, **ka)\n File \"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\watchdog_plugin.py\", line 104, in wrapper\n return callback( *args, **kwargs )\n File \"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\hmac_plugin.py\", line 68, in wrapper\n body = callback( *args, **kwargs )\n File \"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\handlers.py\", line 102, in RunCompleterCommand\n request_data ) )\n File \"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\completers\\completer.py\", line 416, in OnUserCommand\n raise ValueError( self.UserCommandsHelpMessage() )\nValueError: Supported commands are:\nGetDoc\nGetType\nRestartServer\nSee the docs for information on what they do.\n"}
[onCodeAction] {
exception: { TYPE: 'ValueError' },
message: 'Supported commands are:\nGetDoc\nGetType\n' +
'RestartServer\nSee the docs for information on ' +
'what they do.',
traceback: 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File ' +
'"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\completers\\completer.py", ' +
'line 414, in OnUserCommand\n command = command_map[ arguments[ 0 ] ]\n' +
"KeyError: 'FixIt'\n\nDuring handling of the above exception, another " +
'exception occurred:\n\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File ' +
'"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\third_party\\bottle\\bottle.py", ' +
'line 862, in _handle\n return route.call(**args)\n File ' +
'"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\third_party\\bottle\\bottle.py", ' +
'line 1740, in wrapper\n rv = callback(*a, **ka)\n File ' +
'"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\watchdog_plugin.py", ' +
'line 104, in wrapper\n return callback( *args, **kwargs )\n File ' +
'"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\hmac_plugin.py", ' +
'line 68, in wrapper\n body = callback( *args, **kwargs )\n File ' +
'"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\handlers.py", ' +
'line 102, in RunCompleterCommand\n request_data ) )\n File ' +
'"C:\\Users\\Beau\\.vim\\pack\\plugins\\start\\YouCompleteMe\\third_party\\ycmd\\ycmd\\completers\\completer.py", ' +
'line 416, in OnUserCommand\n raise ValueError( ' +
'self.UserCommandsHelpMessage() )\nValueError: Supported commands are:\n' +
'GetDoc\nGetType\nRestartServer\nSee the docs for information on what they ' +