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weather classification paper list

paper_list_weather_classification [WIP]

weather classification paper list: mainly focus on recent progress, e.g. papers published after 2012 (the year of AlexNet).

one image weather classification

Two-Class Weather Classification [2014 CVPR][] (with dataset)

Two-Class Weather Classification [2017 TPAMI][]

RSCM: Region Selection and Concurrency Model for Multi-Class Weather Recognition [2017 TIP][] [] (with dataset)

Camera as Weather Sensor: Estimating Weather Information from Single Images [2017 JVCI][] (with dataset)

Visual Weather Temperature Prediction [2018 WACV][] (with dataset) Only on temperature

A Multi-Task Framework for Weather Recognition [2017 MM][] (with dataset & model) Two-class Weather Dataset plus additional ROI annotation

Multi-class Weather Classification Fusing Weather Dataset and Image Features [2018 CCF CBD][] utilize MojiWeather feature


Scene-free multi-class weather classification on single images [2016 Neurocomputing][] (with dataset)

Weather classification with deep convolutional neural networks [2015 ICIP]

Weather Classification: A new multi-class dataset, data augmentation approach and comprehensive evaluations of Convolutional Neural Networks [2018 ][]


Image2Weather: A Large-Scale Image Dataset for Weather Property Estimation [2016 bigMM][]

additional dataset

Baselines and a datasheet for the Cerema AWP dataset [2018][]

Weather Classification with traffic surveillance cameras [2018 ITS]