Ricardo Chimal, Jr.
Ricardo Chimal, Jr.
alfonsoadriasola: you need to update your taps version. you're using a really old version. This ticket is in regards to taps 0.3.x
you can use heroku 1.9 with ruby 1.8, heroku gem's version number has nothing to do with the ruby version
can you try uninstalling rack 1.2.1 and installing rack 1.1.0 and see if it works?
ah yeah, the negative values would not get caught, a primary key auto-incremented field is assumed to have only positive values. I'll see if I can get some time to...
http://github.com/ricardochimal/taps/commit/9141fbe8d2e3eb58f49d0c725ab36d768d239730 can you try making this change to your local taps installation and see if it works for you?
if you can, can you send me a sample mysqldump of your database so I can test against it?
can you link to a file that I can download so the character encoding is maintained? Thanks.
thanks, I'll take a look at it.
can you try updating to taps 0.3.9 ? it should pull in sequel 0.12.1 which includes a fix for what I think is the problem. Let me know if it...
can you try typing schema dump sqlite://db/development.sqlite3