timer-bar-card icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
timer-bar-card copied to clipboard

A progress bar display for Home Assistant timers

Results 70 timer-bar-card issues
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Hello, Is it possible to expand this card into a service timer? For example, I would like to use this card to build a counting down service timer for the...

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Hi, I only have duration (minutes), remaining (minutes) and a state entry to work with. There is no really easy way to calculate absolute start or end time. Except to...

Hello, Love your card! Do you have a suggestion or know how to use it with your card? The Hydrawise integration returns a sensor entity with the time remining on...

Hi, love this project! Is there a way to rename the entity using this card? I've seen other projects use 'name: "new name"' to change the entity to something else....

Is it possible to add a show_empty option? I use the progress bar card to show which zones of OpenSprinkler are watering, but would like the card to show up...

Hi. full_row: true and an icon without a title or name would be nice. Greetings, Stefan

Hi! Firstly - Thank you for this card - It's excellent! I've added my Echo show as a timer, and it displays the last timer I've set perfectly. My question...

I use a total timer, which also adds up individual run times. (several lawn sprinklers with individual runtimes - one combined total timer) Would it be possible to adjust the...

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For LG Sensors, an initial time and remaining time attribute is provided. Therefore, for correct timing, adding an attribute "remaining" that can specify where to read the exact remaining time...

Using Google home integration (Have version that pulls alarms and timers from Google home devices) alarm state has date and time in a format that shows on this card but...