timer-bar-card icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
timer-bar-card copied to clipboard

"icon:" and "translation:" from another entity

Open SiL-X opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments


It´s hard to describe my problem / idea. But I will try my best to make it understandable. I do not know if this is even possible to code but I have following idea:

Is it possible to link the "icon:" and "translation" function to another entity?

Explanation: At the moment I have this card on my Dashboard: start The "Play-Button" activates an automation which proves if I have enough PV Energy and some Energy in my battery pack. If true the dishwasher starts and the automation gets deactivated. While the automation is active the Play-Icon is orange. I am able to see if I activated the automation.

But imo, this card is not very attractive.

First I tried conditional cards: Only show play-button if not running. If running dont show play button, only show timer-bar. I never got this to work.

Then I tried "extend_paper_buttons_row". But the paper button showed up just beside "Inactive". Also not very attractive. The problem here is that "layout: hide_name" aligns on the left. If it would stay right like "full_row" this would look much better.

And then I had the idea for this topic:

type: entities
title: Geschirrspüler
  - type: custom:timer-bar-card
    entity: sensor.geschirrspuler_operation_state
    icon: mdi:play-box
      entity: sensor.geschirrspuler_remaining_program_time
    text_width: 4.5em
    bar_background: rgb(0, 0, 0)
    bar_foreground: var(--paper-item-icon-color)
    bar_width: calc(90% - 10em)
    bar_radius: 7px
    bar_height: 14px
    layout: hide_name
      Inactive: Starten
      action: call-service
      service: automation.toggle
      data: {}
        entity_id: automation.geschirrspuler_start

Ends up like this: idea

In this solution the "Play-Icon" is a button. But it is not going orange if the automation is active. So I do not know if I already pushed it. If I would be able to link the "icon:" to my automation, I can change the active_color to e.g. orange and can see if the automation is running. And if I would be able to link the "translation" to my automation I can write: "Start" when the automation is off "Waiting on conditions..." for on.

When the dishwasher starts (operation_state == Run) the progress bar appears instead of the translation.

What I am achieving with this is, that I have an implemented "conditional" card. IMO this would look really nice. I hope I described it understandable. I have no idea if this is even possible...

Kind regards, SiL

SiL-X avatar Mar 22 '23 20:03 SiL-X

I tried something new. Now I have a conditional entity row in my "entities:" conditional Code:

type: entities
title: Geschirrspüler
  - type: custom:timer-bar-card
    entity: sensor.geschirrspuler_operation_state
    active_state: Run
    active_icon: mdi:update
    icon: mdi:play-box
      entity: sensor.geschirrspuler_remaining_program_time
    text_width: 4.5em
    bar_background: rgb(0, 0, 0)
    bar_foreground: var(--paper-item-icon-color)
    bar_width: calc(90% - 10em)
    bar_radius: 7px
    bar_height: 14px
    layout: hide_name
      Inactive: Starten
      action: call-service
      service: automation.toggle
      data: {}
        entity_id: automation.geschirrspuler_start
  - type: conditional
      - entity: automation.geschirrspuler_start
        state: 'on'
      entity: automation.geschirrspuler_start
      name: Wartet auf Bedingungen
      icon: mdi:update

It only appears when the automation is on. But its still not looking good. :/

SiL-X avatar Mar 26 '23 17:03 SiL-X

Hey! Sorry I had missed this earlier. It looks like you have a lot of different card configurations to choose from. I can answer your question about how to change the icon color.

I just added a section to the README showing how you can use templates in the configuration.

Here's an example I put together with a timer. I only show the paper buttons row when the timer is idle, and the icon color changes the orange when the timer is running:

Screen Recording 2023-06-28 at 11 51 43 PM

Is that sort of what you were imagining?

type: custom:config-template-card
  STATE: states['timer.alarm'].state # CHANGE TO AUTOMATION
  # You need to list every entity referenced in the templates
  - timer.alarm
  '--paper-item-icon-color': '${ STATE == "active" ? "orange" : "" }' # Override the icon color
  type: icon # This doesn't really do anything.
             # The element field needs be specified though for style to take effect (don't know why)
  type: custom:timer-bar-card
    - timer.alarm
    position: right
      - icon: mdi:play
          action: call-service
          service: timer.start
            entity_id: timer.alarm
      display: '${ STATE == "active" ? "none" : "" }' # Setting display to none hides the paper buttons row

For your automation, you should add the automation's entity id under the first entities and change the STATE variable.

rianadon avatar Jun 29 '23 07:06 rianadon


thanks for your answer.

After the new patch, my last solution is a litte bit broken now. :/

After the new patch the "Starten" (see image in my second post in this thread) went to the right side. Still works, but doesn´t look very nice.

To fix this I now changed my code from this:

    layout: hide_name
      Inactive: Starten

to this

    name: Starten
      Inactive: ' '

which fixed the "Starten" on the right side back to the left right next to the mdi:play-icon BUT still is there while the timer-bar-card is active and show the timer-bar. So it shows "Starten" while already active. layout: hide_name_active could fix this if available. ;)

Back to your solution: I tried your solution above. But with the card-templater the "normal-timer-bar-card-functions" dont work as expected anymore.

For example:

type: custom:card-templater
  STATE: states['automation.geschirrspuler_start'].state
  - automation.geschirrspuler_start
  - sensor.geschirrspuler_operation_state
  - sensor.geschirrspuler_remaining_program_time
  '--paper-item-icon-color': '${ STATE == "active" ? "orange" : "" }'
  type: icon
  type: custom:timer-bar-card
    - sensor.geschirrspuler_operation_state
  active_state: Run
  active_icon: mdi:update
  icon: mdi:play-box
    entity: sensor.geschirrspuler_remaining_program_time
  text_width: 4.5em
  bar_background: rgb(36, 60, 64)
  bar_foreground: var(--state-fan-active-color)
  bar_width: calc(90% - 10em)
  bar_radius: 10px
  bar_height: 40px
  name: Geschirrspüler
    Inactive: 'Starten'
    action: call-service
    service: automation.toggle
    data: {}
      entity_id: automation.geschirrspuler_start
  sync_issues: ignore
    position: right
      - icon: mdi:play
          action: call-service
          service: automation.toggle
          data: {}
            entity_id: automation.geschirrspuler_start
      display: '${ STATE == "active" ? "none" : "" }'

Ends up like this: Geschirrspueler For example

  • "name:" should be "title:"
  • translation: inactive: 'Starten' should be "name:" while inactive etc. pp.

Maybe I have to rethink everything... My start-intention was it to have a card as a big button on the tablet to activate the automation (normally disabled). If the automation is activated it should show me that he is waiting for the conditions. If i press it again it should disable the automation (e.g. i forgot something to put in the dishwasher). If the dishwasher started it should show me the timer-bar-card.

SiL-X avatar Jul 10 '23 15:07 SiL-X