
Results 77 comments of rianadon

Now that #47 has just landed in the codebase, it's possible to use the card with the integration. The `remain_time` option will automatically identify the LG device's attribute, so it...

Thanks for the suggestion! I added a link to the readme.

Yes, please! A PR with your examples would be much appreciated. If it's short I'd prefer the readme, otherwise I'd prefer you make another issue with the [integration doc ](https://github.com/rianadon/timer-bar-card/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22integration+doc%22)...

Hi @Dexter0007. Do you have the same files as the OP listed under Settings -> Dashboard -> Resources? Also, do you see the timer bar card message in the developer...

That's great to hear! That probably means it'll work in the future, but let me know if the card goes away. The dashboard plugin system is a little finicky at...

The [`remain_time` attribute](https://github.com/rianadon/timer-bar-card?tab=readme-ov-file#-working-with-new-integrations) I added a while ago should help here. Then you can use the `sensor.wash_cycle_remaining_time` entity :)

Hey! If I understand correctly, you want the card to show the timer while the automation is `off`, then turn off once the automation goes back to `on`. You'll need...