vim-grammarous copied to clipboard
How to setup on neovim?
Hello guys there is any doc explain how to setup on neovim?
after I add the plugin, this command is not found :GrammarousCheck
or :GrammarousReset
when I type this command I got this error
E492: Not an editor command: GrammarousCheck
it should work - you probably installed it with the wrong syntax or it is not loaded. If you use lazy, you can run :Lazy load grammarly, for a more permanent solution, when you set up grammarly you can specify what file extensions prompt grammarly to load automatically when open - e.g. { "rhysd/vim-grammarous", ft = { "tex", "md", "norg" } }. After that, you will need to download and unpack the languagetool-commandline.jar file, but that's a different story.