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Question: Is it possible to print barcode/qr code using Bluetooth Kit?
Is it possible to print qr code/barcode using this library? If so, can you please guide me 'cause we are planning to make an app which has feature like qr code/barcode printing. Or it's a pleasure if you can provide an example?
Many thanks!
Are you kidding me?
Have you read the readme?
Yeah! But how? The given example is just texts.
BluetoothKit is an abstraction over CoreBluetooth. Why do you think it supports anything related to QR-codes and barcodes?
Is the question "Can you send QR and bar codes to other devices using this library?"?
@calebkleveter What I mean is, can you print qr or bar code to bluetooth printing device instead of just printing 'texts', just like printing receipts.
Sorry but you are misunderstanding what this framework is trying to solve. What you need is CoreBluetooth and a description of the service on the printing device that you are trying to communicate with.
You need to make an agreement with your hardware so that you can quickly develop。