i'm not going to put any more effort in for now, if i get near a solution in another project i'll give it a whirl
hi i've got 2 version one and 2 version two microbits and would like to reproduce this. what version of micropython are you running?
Yes with arm thumb 2 assembly see this repository https://github.com/rhubarbdog/microbit-assembly for some example code. The examples are mainly for version 2 microbial. Be careful with high frequencies from 30khz dogs...
I got this working and used it with a move:mini https://github.com/rhubarbdog/microbit-servo
you can only set echo and trigger to same pin number if its a 3 pin device.power, ground and data. the HCSR04 has 4 pins power, ground trigger and echo....
I no longer have the laptop which had the microbit program which created the 20k file. I'll try a few things this week to see if I can replicate it
i've done this to replicate the issue 1. `uflash` the microbit to a empty microbit ```from microbit import * with open('bigfile.txt', 'w') as file_ : for a in range(2560): file_.write('microbit')```...