labeled-tweet-generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
labeled-tweet-generator copied to clipboard

Search for tweets and download the data labeled with its polarity in CSV format

Tweet Sentiment Labeller

Search for Tweets and download the data labeled with it's Polarity in CSV format

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Development Guide

  1. Create a virtualenv. virtualenv venv
  2. Activate venv. source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the requirements. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Save the ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET as environment variables. You can follow this guide for Heroku.
  5. Run the server. python


This video was a submission for a challenge on a youtube video series by llSourcell @Sirajology:

And was featured in the next video in the series:

License MIT © Rohan Verma