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Co-Separating Sounds of Visual Objects (ICCV 2019)

Results 4 co-separation issues
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Hi, First of all, great project! I would like to ask about your dataset. it seems to me that each sample returned by the AudioVisualMUSICDataset's __getitem__ method can be with...

Dear author, I have a question about Audioset-instrument data. In "Co-Separating Sounds of Visual Objects", you mention there are **113,756/456 for unbalanced/balanced** instrument clips, respectively. But in "Learning to Separate...

Hi Ruohan This pre-trained model was trained for solo videos or multiple source videos (duet...) I have tested this pretrain but the result with multi source is not the same...

The SDR in multi-source setting is calculated in two-solo-mixed data or random-mixed-data(could contain solo or duet)? Did the training on multi-source setting know the sound source number of data? (like...