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Spectrum Analyzer for the Rigol DS1000 series oscilloscopes
Spectrum Analyzer for the Rigol DS1000 series digital scopes
RF Spectrum Analyzer in Python. This is a modified version of PA2OHH's audio spectrum analyzer:
It uses National Instruments VISA driver to download samples from the scope, perform FFTs and show the results. I used the PyVISA 1.4 wrapper:
Written for Python 2.7 under Windows 7, not tested in other environments
PyVISA 1.4
9-20-2015 - first release
-blows up with some combinations of FFT size, averaging and padding - looks like an array indexing bug
-there are a lot of spurs in the spectrum. May be possible to fix in software but I think this is a limitation of the scope itself
9-30-2015 - tried to make it work with PyVISA 1.8 but the interface has changed a lot and it broke LONG scope buffer mode. Went back to PyVISA 1.4
Jan 31 2016 - included DS1054Z patch by Marcus and a full version for the DS1054Z by Kerr Smith
Also included is Rigol_view, a short Python script which grabs the sample buffer and shells to wfm_view to show the results. wfm_view shows the same spurs in the spectrum.
wfm_view can be found at:
project blog:
Kerr Smith provided these step by step installation instructions:
I first installed the latest National Instruments VISA runtime:
Next I installed Python 2.7 making sure Python was added to the path (this is so you can run python from the command line from any directory):
Next I updated pip and setuptools as well as installing wheel as recommend on: python -m pip install -U pip setuptools pip install wheel
I now updated mock as I could not get any further due to an error (on next step) saying 'Requires setuptools >=17.1 to install properly', the following fixed this issue and seemed to update a couple of other things as well:
pip install mock
Next I installed pyvisa version 1.4 as recommend (the mock update above made this work):
pip install pyvisa==1.4
Next I installed numpy, this initially did not work and showed this 'error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat', so I installed the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7: VCForPython27.msi
Now numpy installed, it took a while as it needed to compile and there was no real progress update so I just left it and after a few minutes it finished and said it had installed.
pip install numpy
Next I downloaded the PyDSA code from Github:
The file to run is in the PyDSA directory and is called