Support [RFC 7636](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636): Proof Key for Code Exchange. For more info please see https://oauth.net/2/pkce/ - [x] Code - [x] Tests - [x] Documentation Fixes: #837
Is it really necessary to force a copy in the LanguageItemPluginAsset? https://github.com/lajax/yii2-translate-manager/blob/560baa79d6ccaeb1048508f29b3929e5bfd01f23/bundles/LanguageItemPluginAsset.php#L25 This causes overhead in each request and prevents client side caching of the translation file (Yii appends the...
Added exception chaining for RequiredConstraintsViolated in `\League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationValidators\BearerTokenValidator::validateAuthorization()`. This helps with logging the exception (similar to line 103).
Currently PHP CS Fixer can't distinguish between single and multiline anonymous class definitions. This causes the fixer to format the opening brace for multiline anonymous classes according to the `position_after_anonymous_constructs`...
Originally posted at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-50947 ### What steps will reproduce the problem? When a class name is used as a string as a key inside another array the class is marked...
'indicators' option can be set in global and in step options. See demo step in docs or http://prntscr.com/7qe2xt
I would expect that a white list entry of `10.*` would be equal to CIDR Mask `` but the IPV4Wildcard currently doesn't match. Is this by design?
| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Is bugfix? | ✔️ | New feature? | ✔️ | Breaks BC? | ✔️ | Fixed issues | #13484 The `\yii\base\Action::afterRun()`...
| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Is bugfix? | ❌ | New feature? | ✔️ | Breaks BC? | ❌ | Fixed issues | #1429, #10174, #16606,...
This PR adds support for comments inside type definitions, e.g.: ```php /** @return array { // Array with comments. * // Comments can be placed on their own line. *...