Rüdiger Herrmann

Results 44 issues of Rüdiger Herrmann

I have seen that `Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell()` is used in several places to obtain the parent shell to open a dialog or wizard. One such example can be found in the [NewLambdaFunctionHandler](https://github.com/aws/aws-toolkit-eclipse/blob/master/com.amazonaws.eclipse.lambda/src/com/amazonaws/eclipse/lambda/project/wizard/handler/NewLambdaFunctionHandler.java#L32)...

After installing the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse and restarting Eclipse, a dialog appears that asks for credentials (see below). However, this is unexpected as the use may not even want...

Most of the dialogs from the AWS Toolkit don't have a window title (i.e. the Shell's text is empty). Is that on purpose?

On Windows the order of dialog buttons should be [OK] [Cancel] and not the other way around. The _Select a region_ can be found in _Preferences_ > _AWS Toolkit_ >...

Select _File_ > _Import_ > _Existing projects into workspace_ and choose a root directory that contains a template project that is not yet imported into the workspace. Make sure to...

After resuming my computer from stand by while Eclipse with Bndtools 3.3.0.REL installed was running, I see this job error dialog ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/607182/20651039/7f38933a-b4dd-11e6-89e0-4160f37112ef.png) The full stack trace of one of such...

When saving the below attached run.bndrun file, I see this exveption: > java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/607182/21143489/43f516d8-c147-11e6-9c84-44e2445ed97d.png) The error log contains no entry. Not sure what other details may help solving this...

I see a warning marker in the _Source_ tab of the bnd file editor, saying > No translation found for macro: copyright However, the marker remains at the first line...

The _New Bnd OSGi Workspace_ wizard asks whether to change the current perspective when selecting _Finish_ (see screenshot below). I can't remember exactly where, but I have been asked the...

Having Bndtools 3.3.0 REL installed, I followed the tutorial at http://bndtools.org/tutorial.html First of all, thanks for the tutorial that really helped me to get an undestanding of how to write...