play-music-to-spotify icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
play-music-to-spotify copied to clipboard

Import your playlist from Google Play Music to Spotify

📻 Google Play Music → CSV → Spotify

Import your playlist from Google Play Music to Spotify or any other service.


This is what worked for me, on Chrome Version 73, as of 10th March 2019. If the structure of the API response changes or any changes to the script are required feel free to raise an issue / PR! ✌🏼


  1. Navigate to your playlist on the Google Play Music web-app on Chrome.

  2. Open Chrome's DevTools (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + C) and then:
    a. Head over to the Network tab in the DevTools panel.
    b. Refresh the page & filter the requests.
    c. Find the request to the endpoint loaduserplaylist & click on the request to open up the details pane to the right. image

  3. On the details pane for that request:
    a. Head to the Preview pane for that request. It should look like the picture below.
    b. Right click at the top of the response body.
    c. Select Store as global variable and it will get added to the window object as a temporary variable (initially temp1). image

  4. Once the temp1 variable is created, it will take you back to the Console tab & display the variable. If it looks something like the picture below, you did it correctly. This stores the entire response into the temp1 variable. image

  5. Copy the script from this file and paste it onto the console & press enter to run it. It'll go through your playlist & create a CSV file for you to download.

  6. You can then head over to TuneMyMusic & use their 'Upload a file' option to upload the downloaded CSV file and they should be able to parse your playlist & import it onto any of their supported destinations, including Spotify.

That's it! 🎧🎶

Once done you can revoke access for the app from here; it's best to clean up.. just in-case :)