
Results 21 comments of rhaynes74

Many thanks, I need to study your config and workflow and see if it solves my problem.  I think the problem is actually how I add the documents to my...

Hi folks, thanks for the responses.    I have read over that documentation.  To me the documentation doesn’t make it clear what information needs to be provided when I add a...

Hi folks, right now just using papis add filename.ext —set author ‘Name’ —set title ‘Some title' Sincerely, Dr. Ronald D. Haynes Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Chair, MSc and...

Hi folks, the papis version is: 0.11.1, installed with pip3 on the mac os (latest version). Sincerely, Dr. Ronald D. Haynes Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Chair, MSc and...

_PAPIS_COMPLETE=source_zsh papis #compdef papis _papis_completion() {  local -a completions  local -a completions_with_descriptions  local -a response  (( ! $+commands[papis] )) && return 1  response=("${(@f)$( env COMP_WORDS="${words[*]}" \  COMP_CWORD=$((CURRENT-1)) \  _PAPIS_COMPLETE="complete_zsh" \  ...

Hi folks, if I type papis then it autocompletes showing me papis and papis-zotero.  So that is working fine.  What is not working is if I do papis add and...

Great - thanks for the information. Sincerely, Dr. Ronald D. Haynes Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Chair, MSc and PhD Scientific Computing Programs Memorial University of Newfoundland We acknowledge...

Hi folks, I am wondering how to instigate a papis fzf "session"? For example, should papis list --all bring up a fzf dialog?

Thanks - I was missing the piece about including a query which returned multiple hits, I was hoping to be able to list all documents in the library. A related...

Thanks!  See comments below: We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University’s campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and we acknowledge with respect...