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Fix python install and upgrade versions to allow 3.11 installation

Open jmfrank63 opened this issue 6 months ago • 7 comments

Tested on a Mac M1. Should fix pip install piper-tts, which already created several issues.

Upgraded several requirement versions.

Also fixed Readme formatting and changed the teaser to reflect the python runnable command.

jmfrank63 avatar Feb 03 '24 06:02 jmfrank63

MacOS works, tested on M1. Windows is now also working (amd64). Linux will follow. If you want to run this, set PIPER_PHONEMIZE_REPO and point it to this or your fork. Omit the .git in the URL.

jmfrank63 avatar Feb 04 '24 19:02 jmfrank63

Hi @jmfrank63, Pls take into account the review of pytorch-lightning~=2.1.0 LINE. This needs a big change in the training code. It could be changed up to 1.9.x at the moment.

rmcpantoja avatar Feb 05 '24 02:02 rmcpantoja

@rmcpantoja Yes, you might be right. I gave it a try, it compiles and installs on macOS and Windows. The basic example works on both. But then I tried a Russian example on Windows and the result is just rubbish. This could be either to the fact that I had to use hex code points for getting it to compile or some other reason. We definitely need more tests. I don't know where to go from here exactly, so I wait until the maintainer @synesthesiam provides some guidance.

jmfrank63 avatar Feb 05 '24 03:02 jmfrank63

@rmcpantoja Yes, you might be right. I gave it a try, it compiles and installs on macOS and Windows. The basic example works on both. But then I tried a Russian example on Windows and the result is just rubbish. This could be either to the fact that I had to use hex code points for getting it to compile or some other reason. We definitely need more tests. I don't know where to go from here exactly, so I wait until the maintainer @synesthesiam provides some guidance.

No, pytorch lightning It has nothing to do with installing piper_phonemice in Python, since they are different packages. pytorch lightning is only used by the piper_train package. If you want to support pl >2, you need to update the piper_train training code, especially using LightningCli instead of argparse.

rmcpantoja avatar Feb 05 '24 03:02 rmcpantoja

@synesthesiam thanks for all the hard work, but this is stopping me from using piper. Is this project unmaintained?

0xb15d3 avatar Feb 18 '24 06:02 0xb15d3

Hello, would this PR fix the problem here https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/issues/384, and if so how would i go about using this PR with a Python app using Piper?

torntrousers avatar Mar 05 '24 11:03 torntrousers

This PR contains a lot of unrelated changes.

The changes to CMakeLists.txt should be removed.

AFAIK, Windows doesn't have make (and if it does the test should be fixed to work there, in case it is currently broken), i.e. no need to modify the Makefile.

Because of the style changes it is difficult to detect if the content of README.md has been changed. The style/format should be changed in a separate commit if at all.

a-andre avatar Apr 17 '24 22:04 a-andre