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Possible incompatibility with DirectML/ WebGL? "ORT NOT IMPLEMENTED" thrown
I am successfully using Piper TTS with Onnx Runtime. However using Onnx Runtime + DirectML caused the error "ORT NOT IMPLEMENTED" in such example code as below. Are you aware of any functions that are being used in Pytorch that are not compatible / available in DirectML or WebGL yet? I am asking about WebGL because I tried using WebGL, and it failed as well.
OnnxModelHandler::OnnxModelHandler(const std::wstring& uModelPath, const std::string& uSessionName) { OrtApi const& nOrtApi = Ort::GetApi(); const OrtDmlApi* nOrtDmlApi; auto status = nOrtApi.GetExecutionProviderApi("DML", ORT_API_VERSION, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&nOrtDmlApi));
Ort::SessionOptions nSessionOptions = Ort::SessionOptions();
if (status != nullptr)
nOrtDmlApi->SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_DML(nSessionOptions, 0); // Using device index 0
string sSessionName = uSessionName + "DirectML_Direct3D_TensorAllocation_Test";
Ort::Env _env(ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_VERBOSE,sSessionName.c_str());
_session = new Ort::Session(_env, uModelPath.c_str(), nSessionOptions); //throws ORT NOT IMPLEMENTED
_singleInputName = GetTensorName(0, _session, true);
_singleOutputName = GetTensorName(0, _session, false);