auto-value-parcel copied to clipboard
An Android Parcelable extension for Google's AutoValue.
I have a field with type `Class` `Class` is `Serializable` so `auto-value-parcel` tries to put that as a `Serializable`. This is fine. The problem is in the `CREATOR` method. Since...
Here is my declaration ``` @SerializedName("extra_data") public abstract @Nullable Map storeExtraData(); ``` `error: Maps can only have String objects for keys and valid Parcelable types for values. ` can somebody...
In the generated _writeToParcel_ method, null values are serialized as 1, non null as 0 : ```java if (getValue() == null) { dest.writeInt(1); } else { dest.writeInt(0); dest.writeString(getValue()); } ```...
This is kind of question/feature request. In short question is: can we somehow check if values contained inside our ```List``` members can be written into parcel? So imagine we have...
Analogous to the implementations in auto-value-gson/moshi. Possible now that there's first party APIs for it. Related to #117
What should the behavior be when `writeToParcel` is already implemented? Fail? No-op? Emit only the `describeContents` method (and then what happens if this is implemented too)?
It would be fantastic to have an annotation to suppress `auto-value-parcel` for a specific class, so we can write the marshaling code by hand while still using `@AutoValue` for everything...