Fabien Antoine

Results 51 issues of Fabien Antoine

Using: https://github.com/matchID-project/deces-backend/issues/200

when #446 is done, csv stream can replace rigit 10k max search with long requests


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d 'api_key=APIKEY&format=json&logs=1' "https://api.uptimerobot.com/v2/getMonitors"


https://github.com/matchID-project/deces-backend/pull/140 Inspiration for stats : - https://twitter.com/coulmont/status/1334100923992453121 - https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortalit%C3%A9_en_France - COVID, eg https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/reuses/visualisation-des-deces-entre-le-15-fevrier-et-le-30-avril-2020-plateau-covid-du-30-mars-au-10-avril-2020/

Search and sub component share complex states through the store for historical reasons (most are heritage from search-ui in react, and mix behavior handling in the initial developpement, such as...

Permalink are now accessible in permalinks like : https://dev-deces.matchid.io/id/ZmNEDk_9gQjG But integration in UX is not natural. The /id/:id path should have a full maner to be accessed withs clicks in...

routeur shoud handle more features : 1. paths with args (/id/:id) 2. handle history states 3. handling # and ? (if possible, cand be handle on each component) https://www.npmjs.com/package/svelte-routing seems...