
Results 38 comments of Valérianne

we use a theme, I don't really know if we can merge a css without doing anything ugly. I will look at that later.

Just a note to myself: I've used some \`xxx\` instead of \`\`xxx\`\` for like paths in the recent diffs (configuration), I need to switch to the double backtick.

> Before doing this, the doc building failed: > > ``` > ./ > Running Sphinx v1.6.7 > > Exception occurred: > File "", line 191, in setup > import...

updating my old instance and here is some (french) things I've thought: la partie install devrait conseiller de `export APP_SETTINGS='config.production_secret.Config'` ou truc du genre pour que les commandes flask utilisent...

`apt-get install gettext-base` devrait être rajouté dans les trucs a installer dans la partie installe linux (fournit envsubst pour la config du reverse proxy)

todo moi: la partie non-docker du reverse-proxy est pourrie

les chemins des services systemd matchent pas la doc (virtualenv), todo moi : corriger les services, et supprimer les `'xx'` du app settings

self todo again: add documentation about what we federates and how, and endpoints we uses (actors, activities, boxes,...)

``` flightairmap=# \dt Did not find any relations. ``` Mhhhh, looks like `install_db.php` haven't done anything and silently fails. EDIT: ended up using `36000s` as timeouts and everything went mostly...